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Rumor Mill of Friday, 28 May 2004



Is it true that ...

The British M.I.6 executed a "sting" operation on the President when he was in London on paid leave recently and hit the jackpot when the President was caught on video in a London hotel in a compromising financial transaction with one of the international construction companies undertaking a major project in the country, that the story of the "sting" is making the diplomatic rounds in the country, and that the objective of the "sting" was to have something with which to blackmail the President to get him to act as the poodle to Tony Blair that they expect him to be, and that this became necessary because the President did not play ball when during Tony Blair's visit to the country in 2003, he agreed to support the latter in his condemnation of Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, only for him to chicken out on arrival in Maputo, Mozambique, after his position had been humiliatingly ridiculed and embarrassingly rejected by Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique, Thabo Mbeki of South Africa, and the leaders of the other SADCC countries?

On Easter Sunday April 11th, 2004, at the AME Church premises at Keta after the Church service, Minister of Food and Agriculture Major Courage Quashiga, confirmed to friends the long suspected agenda of the Kufuor administration that they had targeted Hon. Dan Abodakpi, NDC MP for Keta and former NDC Minister of Trade and Industries whose vision and hard work left for the Kufuor administration such legacies as the Free Zones Programme, the Gateway Phase I Project which the administration has banalised, the Science and Technology Vision, the Export Development and Investment Fund (EDIF) which like the NDC's GETFund in the education sector is now the main funding support for businesses in Ghana - their own legislated Fund having failed to take off - that the Kufuor Government was determined to jail Hon. Dan Abodakpi before the December 2004 elections in order to leave the Keta constituency clear for Mr. Kodjo Fianu, Courage Quashiga's nephew whom he is sponsoring as the NPP candidate for Keta, and that this conspiracy has since been re-confirmed by Kodjo Fianu himself who has been predicting to all who would care to listen within GHALCA circles where he works that the imprisonment of his opponent Dan Abodakpi a "done deal", even though he does not explain how the NPP expects to be able to do this without manipulating the judiciary, or whether by their utterances the two NPP politicians mean that the judiciary has already been manipulated to achieve that objective?

At a meeting of the top brass of the NPP and the capos of the intelligence agencies held a couple of weeks ago, it was decided to launch a blistering campaign against Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings' 31st December Women's Movement and the Caridem Company especially in their acquisition of their various income generating ventures, including Nsawam Cannery and the Cocoa Processing Plant, the objective being to try and link former President J. J. Rawlings to the acquisitions and to rope in NDC flagbearer Professor John Evans Atta-Mills by any means necessary, seeing that all their intelligence checks, snoops and sniffs have so far not been able to unearth anything negative about the affable and gentlemanly Professor, and is it true that it was further decided that if they cannot make anything stick on the Professor, then they have to "manufacture" the evidence to smear him, and that they would have embarked on the smear campaign, except that the very senior journalist who the NPP Government has put in charge of CNT/CNTCI affairs whom they had targeted as their most likely purveyor of the rumour, has resolutely refused to have anything to do with it, and has also warned that he will "go to town" if he as much as hears that a whisper of the diabolical plot is about to be leaked from any of the media houses and that his name is associated with it?

*Finance Minister Yaw Osafo-Maafo and President John Agyekum Kufuor met Mr. R. Edwards, the so-called President of CNTCI, in London and pleaded with him to come down to Ghana - all expenses to be borne by the Government of Ghana - and hold a Joint Press Conference with the Finance Minister in a desperate bid to shore up the credibility of the CNT/CNTCI, with the promise to award him lucrative contracts in Ghana and with the explanation that the credibility of the entire NPP Government was on the line and with the assurance that he would be so professionally debriefed that there would be no question he could not answer, but that Mr. R. Edwards expressed fear and trepidation at the boldness of the Ghanaian press and the extent to which they had torn the CNT/CNTCI Loan Agreement to shreds, explaining that he did not want to come and insert himself into the political eye of the CNT Loan Agreement storm and advising that the two gentlemen should return to Ghana, admit the shortcomings of the documentation on the loan, apologise to their people, and re-start the negotiations all over again?