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Rumor Mill of Monday, 2 July 2007


Source: Palaver

Is it true that the First Lady had packed out...

...and was living with her 41 year old, Accountant son
Reports reaching your authoritative Ghana Palaver indicate that all is not well in the matrimonial home of Ghana’s first lady Mrs. Theresa Kufuor.

The First Lady had parked out of the matrimonial home and was living with her 41 year-old Accountant son because, according to sources close to the President’s residence, she is not happy with the President’s amorous affairs.

Mama Theresa is back in the matrimonial home upon the advise of some well meaning Ghanaians but family sources say, she is not happy at all and that had it not being for the fact that the President has some few more months left of his term in office, the first lady would have asked for a divorce.

The source said for sometime now, Mama Theresa has been complaining about her husband’s respect for her as the mother of his children and she suspect she is not getting her husband’s respect because of the women who come in contact with him in the cause of his duties.

The news of the first lady’s temporary exit from her matrimonial home disturbed most concerned Ghanaians and set tongues waging as some think the situation would not be a good precedence for the up and coming young men and women trying to get into marriage.

The family source said this is not the first time the first lady has threatened to divorce the President, it happened before the 2001 elections when Mama Theresa sought the help of the then Catholic Bishop of Accra, Bishop Andoh to do away with her husband, but the old Catholic Father, rather advised her not to carry out her threat more especially at a time her husband had won elections, it would not speak well of her and the in-coming President.

The first lady took the advice of Bishop Andoh and went back to her husband and has since tried very hard to make the marriage work but her expectation that because of old age, the president would amend his amorous affairs, has not materialized.

According staffers working in the President’s residence, the first lady and the President have had a lot of troubles over female official staffers who accompany the President on his travels and non staffers who call on the President daily without any regard for the first lady.

Some observers said the President is behaving like his friend George W. Bush, the American President, whose wife, Auntie Laura, has also packed out of her matrimonial home.

Another said even though former American President Bill Clinton had problems with his marriage because of the Lewinsky affair, Hilary Clinton never left her husband’s side, adding that "birds of the same feathers flock together, no wonder Mama Theresa has been in and out of the matrimonial home".

A female member of parliament had this to say when she heard what was happening to the first lady, "Nineteen years of the Rawlings’ never gave Ghanaians any anxious moment to worry about the first couple but we have a lot to worry about hearing what is happening with Kufuor household".

Most Ghanaians, who have heard the news, seem worried and are seriously praying that the first lady, Mama Theresa at least wait till her husband is out of power before she carries out her threat of divorce.

Some concerned citizens are also worried and are seeking the intervention of the Almighty Lord to soften the heart of the President and give him the wisdom for him to be able to combine his official duties with his family matters.

Many are also looking for ways they can appeal to the President to do all in his power to make peace prevail in the matrimonial home because the young are looking up to the first couple and other older citizens to give them good examples to go by.