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Music of Friday, 26 January 2007



Josey's Music Fantasy

Radio and TV personality, Josephine Adjei Tinkorang has a lot going for her lately. Though she appears to be enjoying her work as a broadcaster, Josey is looking forward to venturing into fulltime music.

Josey got her shine after co presenting ?Music Music on TV3. So for those who hardly know her, she may probably be one of those who think the media is just the platform for a little bit of public attention.

Just like most chaps I who have had the opportunity to run their mouths either on radio or on the silver screen, she claims to be a very shy person and concedes that working in the media has done magic in eliminating this shyness.

For most part of her life though it appears Josey has been doing more singing than talking. At eleven, Josey joined the Bethel Methodist Church Choir and has been into active music ever since.

Her passion for music has seen her doing backing vocals for music icons like Nana Fynn and several gospel musicians. Her voice continues to run through most radio ads, plus she?s also doing voice-overs for the current affairs programme ?Assemblies on the Move?, which airs on all the TV networks.

Though she still does modest voice cuts for some artistes alongside what she does in the media, Josey admits music is a full time career and that going into music will mean the closing chapter of her media work.

That not withstanding, she?s not totally discarded her desire to go into full time music, but still thinks she needs some time to put her home in order. ?I will say music has been my major talent,? she says.

?Later in future when everything falls into place, I might also take into consideration my music career and focus a little bit more. Music is another thing all together and if you?re entering into music you need maximum time.

It is almost impossible to do part time in music if you really want to make it and get to the top.?

Aside what she does on Saturday night TV, Josey is also a news anchor on Channel R.

There are rumours about her being involved with TV 3 ?Mentor? judge Mark Okraku Mantey. But Josey would rather play light on it.

Nonetheless she concedes something is definitely going down between the two of them and that rumours about marriage have been overplayed.

?The truth about this whole rumour is that we?re not planning marriage like it?s been portrayed to be. If we?re getting married, I wonder why we will hide it.

Eventually everyone will get to know so why hide it in the first place. I believe in keeping things on the low until it?s time to blow it. If we?re meant for each other, hidden or not, we?ll marry.?