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Entertainment of Monday, 10 June 2024


Source: Classfmonline

Kwaisey Pee bemoans 'Efya, Stonebwoy, others' refusing to collaborate; 'You're sick in the head' overestimating social media numbers

Kwaisey Pee Kwaisey Pee

Kwaisey Pee criticizes the obsession with social media numbers among musicians, highlighting how it affects collaborations.

He points out that many fans aren't on social media and mentions respected artists with fewer online followers.

He contrasts the situation with younger stars who cater to an internet-savvy audience.

Pee emphasizes the importance of talent, experience, and industry tenure over follower count for collaborations.

He expresses frustration at being labeled bitter for speaking truthfully, criticizing Ghana's societal mentality and calling attention to mental health issues.

Pee concludes that a collaborator's talent and experience should matter more than social media metrics.

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