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Tabloid News of Sunday, 23 March 2008


Source: che mashinini, special correspondent to uhuru times.

Kwame Mayor offers to die to cleanse Nation's sins

Inspired by Jesus Christ's cruxification on the cross so that our sins shall be forgiven in Christiandom, Marverick Politician, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, (KWAME MAYOR), who has announced plans to initiate annual (July through August) Christians' pilgrimage to Bethlehem and Jerusalem so that Christians around the World can earn the title of "The Holy One" : example the "Holy Man" or the "Holy Woman" --- in the same way Moslems around the World organize themselves to Mecca and earn the titles of "Alhaji" or "Hajia", has publicly said that he would like to die a Martyr for Ghana and Mother Africa in order to cleanse the sins of the Country and the sins of the entire Continent.

The Politician, Founder of the Non-Profit Rich Souls Inter-Faith Center, who has also publicly announced plans to organize an annual (July through August) Inter-Faith Prayer and Fasting of Christians, Jews, and Moslems, etc on Mount Sinai under the theme : "One God, Different Faiths", explained that his aspirations for "Christian Martyrdom" is not contingent to obtaining virgins in the other World.

"I will rather seek for virgins on Earth where at least, I know there is Scientific truth to the "promise" than seeking Martyrdom before I can be guaranteed hundreds, thousands or millions of virgins', the Scholarly Politician told the Nation's Christians.

The Politician whose aspiring Uhuru People's Party Campaign Platform called for the introduction of (God of all Faiths !!!) in the Nation's School system, and has publicly recommended that the words "In God We Worship" should be inscribed on Ghana's Currency Notes called for greater Religious Freedom / Freedom of Worship in the Country and praised Christians, Jews and Moslems who who have chosen the path of Moderation (Non-Violence), Peace and Harmony "since we are all God's People, and God is a Peaceful God".

Meanwhile, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, Founder and Leader of Uhuru People's Party, claiming to be "justificably and morally angry" that his Childhood neighbour and High School Mate, Minister Stephen Asamoah-Boateng abused his office to persecute him said :

"Minister, Stephen Asamoah-Boateng has abused my Civil Rights and Human Rights" - adding :

"Minister, Stephen Asamoah-Boateng is "President Kufuor's "Mafia Boy !!! who has contributed immensely in my political persecution".

Appealing to "Brave Ghanaians" to [forgive] perpetrators of evil - only when they themselves publicly seek forgiveness from the people, the populist Politician and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, known by Ghanaians around the World as ("Kwame Mayor") is asking the ruling government of Ghana or any future government in the Country to extradite Hon. Minister Stephen Asamoah-Boateng, his former School Mate at Great Koss to the United States of America to face trial / Civil Law Suit for committing Human Rights, and Civil Rights abuses against him; conspiring with Kufuor's government to falsely accuse him, and putting him in False Light; abusing his office to illegally intimidate him via Electronic Mail on or around 2003, illegally spying on him and furthermore, committing acts tantamount to Political Terrorism against a Ghanaian-American Politician as well as putting the life of a Ghanaian-American in danger when as a former Deputy Minister of Information, his (Asamoah-Boateng's) Ministry maliciously inquired from the U.S. Embassy in Accra as to whether he was a member of Al-Queda, and failing to inform him about the outcome of Ghana government's investigation of him on U.S. side.

"Like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, I will make sure that the consciences of those who commit evil against us do [not] slumber !!!", said "Osagyefo" on his Political Campaign Website, WWW.KwameforPresident.Com.

Briefly departing from the subject of seeking the Minister's extradition, the Charismatic Politician, who has used hunger strike as a symbolic political tool, argued that the main reason Ex-Military Strongman and former Head of State, Jerry John Rawlings accepted the ruling government's invitation to attend the State Banquet hosted for President George Bush during Bush's historic visit to Ghana, was due to Rawlings' genuine fear that Bush, the "Texas Cowboy" who nevertheless has made the World a safer place to live, would have captured him if he (Rawlings) had turned down the invitation - and the Pro-American cum Pan-Africanist Politician also argued that the main reason why President John Agyekum Kufuor rejected United States' Military base in Ghana stemned from the fact that he "Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor had argued intellectually in advance that such a base could be used to among other things, capture political leaders like President Kufuor who has abused his powers and stolen strategic ideas belonging to "Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor, amid unprecedented injustice and persecutions against the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate.

"Believe me, if Rawlings had created impression during President George Bush's visit, accompanied by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, that he still wanted Ghana to become another Sierra Leone, President Bush would have shown his "No-Nonsense Political and Military style", and Rawlings would have been captured, said the "People's Politician", the most powerful voice for the voiceless in Ghana.

Returning to his public call for the extradiction of Minister Asamoah-Boateng, the Politician", known in his High School days as "J.P.K - (the Political Advisor)" thanked all those who understand and sympatise with his Non-Violent (Peaceful) as well as Moral Crusades against gigantic injustices, and offered special thanks to his genuine friends especially from his "Great Koss" days, while he lashed out at the [few] lingering hate -mongers still chained by the forces of envy and jealousy - describing his insignificant detractors as hypocrites who "mingled with the good people we met", the Politician sang Bob Marley's reggae.

"Who was the Deputy Minister of Ghana's Ministry of Information in March of 2004 when I was subjected into Witch Hunting ?. --- It was Hon. Stephen Asamoah Boateng, my own former Childhood neighbour and High School Mate", the Scholarly Politician said .

"And who was the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Information in late 2003 when Television coverage of the proceedings of the National Reconciliation Commission (NRC) was abruptly cut off when I appeared before the Commission to offer tesimony ?", the Politician asked sarcastically. --- "It was Hon. Stephen Asamoah Boateng, my own former Childhood neighbour and High School Mate ?", the Scholarly Politician said .

" Folks, Hon. Stephen Asamoah Boateng, my own Childhood Neighbour and High School Mate turned ("JUDAS") against me as President John Agyekum Kufuor used him for some of his covert and overt "dirty political operations", and there is more evidence to provide at the appropriate time", said the Politician.

"The United States has a Moral and Legal duty to strike hard at targets that terrorize Ghanaian-Americans", warned the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate and interim President of Coalition of Naturalized American Citizens and Legal Residents, who is volunteering for Senator Barack Obama for America.

" I have sufficient evidence to conclude that in 2004, elements from Ghana government inquired from the United States Embassy in Accra, whether I caused havoc in America, as a Junior Consular reportedly, falsely and maliciously accused me - that I "caused havoc in America" - for running for Mayor of Los Angeles as the first Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate", repeated the Civil Rights Legendary Crusader.

" I also have sufficient evidence to rationally conclude that elements from Ghana's government inquired from the United States' Embassy in Accra whether I was a member of Al-Queda - since a Political Terrorist(s) or Enemies of Democracy, Enemies of Freedom, and Enemies of Human Rights had sent me hateful emails falsely and maliciously accusing me of that taboo on or around 2003", the Scholarly Politician again told Ghanaians; Americans and the World Community.

" The harassments I have personally endured and continue to endure in the hands of a [few] Political Terrorists who have no Human Conscience, and who are obstructing my Natural, Constitutional and Civil Rights to the Pursuit of Happiness, provide substantial evidence that : "Folks, Evil is Real !!!", the Politician again quoted the famous words of President George Bush.

"The fact that United States Embassy in Accra, (Consulate Division) sent copies of its March 02, 2004 letter - "Resolution of Issues And Apology" to Ghana's Ministry of Information and Ministry of Interior speak volumes !!!, charged "America's Mandela" - former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate and a Civil Rights Icon.

"I hope the World understands why I continue to use the Legendary Mahatma Gandhi and the Legendary Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's strategies of Powerful; Peaceful and Non-Violent methods to continue to challenge the conscience of those who have always terrorized my life without cause !!!", explained the highly sophisticated Intellectual.

"President Kufuor is more democratic than former President Jerry John Rawlings, whereas Rawlings is more fair-minded than Kufuor", the Politician evaluated the two Political Leaders.

" "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, who on November 22, 2007 publicly appealed via Press Releases and on his Presidential Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com to Ghana to "host the proposed United States Military Command Headquaters in Africa to provide more jobs to the dying and desperate Youth and more importantly, to deter future African Tyrants who oppress, kill, torture and persecute their own African brothers and sisters and moreover, to contain future Conflicts and Civil Wars in the entire Continent of Africa" again said that in the "Age of Barack Obama's Hope and Change for America", President George Bush's White House should have invited him to join the President's trip to Africa, especially to his Land of Birth in Ghana to inspire those who seek the boldness and fearlessness of the noble ideals and ideas of American led Democracratic Revolution; Freedom and Liberty".

Still revisiting his complaints against the ruling government regarding "Stolen Ideas", the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate again, lamented that "No Prophet is acceptable in his own Kingdom" and insists that His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kuffuor's government has stolen too many of his ideas some of which have become Monumental in Ghana - (Yet, President Kufuor has never given him any credit !!!), and to add insult to injury, President Kufuor, Hon. Kwadwo Mpiani and Hon. Stephen Asamoah Boateng abused their offices and turned against him, amid unprecedented Politically Motivated Persecution; Gross Injustice and Individually-Taylored Human Rights abuses against him unprecedented in the annals of Modern Political Civilization !!!.

"President George Bush and Members of the United States Congress especially, the Congressional Black Caucus should hold talks directly with President Kuffuor to stop his Extraordinary Anti Ghanaian-American and Gross Injustices against me", said the Pro-American Democracy Activist who is on record for argueing intellectually that Ghana should allow the United States to build a Military Post in Ghana to among other things, help prevent Civil Wars; deter Coups; fight Terrorism on African Soil, etc - ( and in exchange, the United States should allow Africa to emerge a Super Power, especially, "Civilian Super Power !!!").

" Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor has the right to mobilise World Opinion to symbolically defend himself against any [Act of State Sponsored Terrorism !!!]", warned "AMERICA"S MANDELA" - the "Made in America Politician" who once stood up Mightily against a [few] Political Terrorists in America who, (without the knowledge of the Civilized Democratic Government of the White House, put him on a long and un-Conscionable [Political Show Trial !!!] in Los Angeles, but were Morally and Ethically defeated - (Sincere thanks to President Bill Clinton's White House which ordered the United States' Justice Department to investigate allegations of Politically Motivated Persecution and despicable Politically Motivated Torture inflicted upon the first Ghanaian-American to run for a higher public office in the history of America - since America's Independence from Great Britain in 1776 and also, the first Ghanaian born to symbolically run for Mayor of Los Angeles in 1993.

" Once again, I am on record for reviving or re-inventing Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah's concept of a Continental African Union Government or United African States (UAS) when I sent you, President Kuffuor a registered letter in Ghana in 2005, (Receipt Number 00096) and also, a registered letter to Libya's President Muammar Qaddafi, (Receipt Number 00027), calling for the formation of a Continental African Government to be called "United African States", [UAS] and also, calling for a "Shadow Government" towards such a Continental African Government, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng reminded His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kuffuor.

The "People's Politician", whose call for "Dual Citizenship" for blacks in the Diaspora at the time when Hon. Spio Gabrah was Ghana's Ambassador to America when he sent copies of his Political Platform to Ghana's Embassy in Washington, D.C. which without doubt, eventually sparked the idea of "Dual Citizenship" in Ghana, and the same Politician whose letter to His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kuffuor and to the Protocol's office in Ghana with a copy to the office of the former Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Peter Ala Adjetey, eventually ignited the "ROPA Law" again, asked Ghanaians and Africans to always respect the "Ancestral Rights" of African-Americans, Caribbeans and other blacks in the Diaspora in Africa - noting that "They (African-Americans and Caribbeans, etc,) were taken from Africa against their will, yet, they still remain our biological brothers and sisters".

"It is the undisputable and Gospel Truth that "Osagyefo" Kwame (Appiah) Boateng, has been the "Brain Power of Powerful Ideas in Ghana !!!" - some of the Monumental Ideas in Ghana which President Kuffuor's government has always taken the full credit and has never given me any credit --- whether it is "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng's idea of "importing South Africa's Model of Truth and Reconciliation Commission to Ghana"; the idea of building a "State of the Art" Presidential Palace in Ghana to attract Tourism like the White House, the idea of erecting Statutes for the Martyred Judges in Ghana, the idea of allowing Ghanaians living abroad to register to vote, which eventually culminated into "Ropa Law", the idea of granting "Dual Citizenship" to blacks in the Diaspora, the idea of re-inventing Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah's call for a Continental African Union Government of which Ghana's Postal Office's mailed letters in 2005 - (registration receipt number 00027 to the office of Libya's President and registration receipt number 00096 to the office of President Kuffuor"), "Osagyefo" once again reminded the Nation.

"Folks, whereas his Excellency President Kuffuor is the legitimate President of Ghana in view of powers vested in him through a democratic election, the reality is that I, "Osagyefo Kwame Appiah Boateng am the "De-Facto President of Ghana, in terms of Monumental Ideas !!!" - since His Excellency, President Kuffuor's government has for years been ruling with some of my Great Ideas which have dictated policy directions in Ghana", said the "Made-In-America Politician", dubbed "AMERICA'S MANDELA"; a Democratic Activist and Civil Rights Icon in his own Right, who aims at transforming Africa's Nightmarish Experiences into an "African Dream", modelled after the proverbial "American Dream ". " I am the De-Facto President of Ghana - (in terms of my Powerful and Monumental Ideas which have significantly benefited Ghana and Africa in general"), "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng whose Great Grand Fathers courageously fought against Colonialism and Imperialism perpetuated by "Our European White Brothers and White Sisters" on African Soil --- said all that he needs is the "Financial Power" to compliment his "Brain Power" as well as "People's Power" to enable him to lead Ghana and the rest of Africa through Democratic elections and contribute to building infrastructures of Democracy, Freedom and Liberty in Africa. " Ghana and the rest of Africa need a Statute of Liberty in a future Continental African Union Government that should guarantee Multi-Party Democracy, Freedom and Liberty and above all, guarantee an "African Dream !!!", modelled after the proverbial "American Dream" -and not an "African Nightmare !!!", reminded the Politician formerly called "Kwame Mayor". " How many people know the Gospel Truth that it was my idea of (re-inventing) Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah's dream of a Continental African Union Government of which "Radio King", Mr. Kwame Adinkrah of Angel FM, formerly at Fox FM in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, announced the objectives of my abortive Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration / cum "Africa Positive Action Demonstration" [in 2005] during which I called for a Continental African Union Government to be called "United African States" [UAS] and a "Shadow Government" towards a Continental African Union Government - was the sole reason why His Excellency, President Agyekum Kuffuor's government eventually invited African leaders this year, [2007] to Accra to discuss about the formation of African Union Government ?", the Charismatic Politician asked !!!. Highlighting the significant role he has played in shaping and directing some key policies in Ghana, the Man who calls himself the "Greatest Politician of all times" - in the same way as the Legendary Mohammad Ali is celebrated as the "Greatest Boxer of all times" reminded Ghanaians : " Whereas I invited the Legendary Nelson Mandela, Winnie Mandela, President John Agyekum Kuffuor, Libya's President, Muammar Qaddafi, etc, as far back in [2005], via registered letters to attend my abortive "African Positive Action Demonstration" or "Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration" - to "Proclaim among other things, the formation of United African States (UAS), a Continental African Union Government and urge African Leaders to immediately form a ["Shadow Government"] under this Continental Union Government", it should be noted that it was my idea that influenced President John Agyekum Kuffuor's government to eventually invite African Leaders to Ghana in [2007] to discuss about forming Africa's Continental Union Government, and in view of the Naked Truth, why is it that President Kuffuor's government officials cannot be bold and men enough to give me credit, since the President and his men themselves enjoy taking Credit ?, the Politician asked. " And whereas another objective of mine in [2005], under the Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration cum "Africa Positive Action Demonstration" stated : "To Protest Against Harsh Impositions by World Economic Powers on Ghana which are root causes of Economic and Political woes facing the Country" - logically prompted President Kuffuor's Government to eventually announce that the government of Ghana had "weaned itself from IMF ....", why is it that President Kuffuor's government officials cannot be bold and men enough to give me credit, since the President and his men themselves enjoy taking Credit ?, the Politician asked - daring President Kuffuor's government to arrest him if what he has been saying about him all these years are not the truth and nothing but the truth !!!, and criticised the government of former President Jerry John Rawlings whose legacy of atrocities paved the way for President Kuffuor to emerge as the President of Ghana. " Once again, it is Jerry John Rawlings' unprecedented atrocities and Human Rights abuses which impregnated an arrogant, selfish and greedy government of His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kuffuor, said the Pro-American Democracy Activist and a Royal Politician on his Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com .

"Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, said that the conscience(s) of those who do us evil must never be allowed to slumber !!!", and based on Major(Retired) Boakye Djan, President John Agyekum Kufuor, Hon. Kwadwo this great Philosophical School of Thought, I will continue to wake up the consciences of former President Jerry John Rawlings, Mpiani, Hon. Stephen Asamoah Boateng, etc.

"Once again, "Folks, Evil is Real !!!", the Politician again quoted President George Bush - vowing to quote him over and over to prove how a [few] evil people have terrorized his life, amid nightmarish experiences. ===================================================================

>>> Signed for Release : Che Mashinini, Special Correspondent to Uhuru Times

The Campaign Office : "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng (Kwame Mayor)

Telephone (310) 740-3132

Email: KwameMayor @ Yahoo.Com

*Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com