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Rumor Mill of Monday, 22 November 2004


Source: Lens

Major Suleimana Threatens Tolon Chiefs

"You will no more be chiefs if ......"

Major Suleimana, the Regent of Tolon is at his game again. This time he is issuing serious threats to the chiefs under him, to use every means to ensure the NDC does not win in their areas lest they lose their skins as well.

Major Suleimana, a failed operative of the Kufuor Security establisment is known for his hatred of President Rawlings and the NDC. As Regent of Tolon, he has since the assumption of power by the NPP done everything in his power to destroy the NDC in his area in vain.

Having failed to kill the love of the people of Tolon for the NDC, he has now decided to issue threats to the chiefs as a way of getting them to pressurize the people to vote against the NDC.

A source close to some of the chiefs emphatically declared that the chiefs are prepared to call his bluff because they know that he will most likely run out of the country as soon as his political masters lose the upcoming elections.

It is a known fact that people like Major Suleimana feel that the coming of the NDC will also bring about a full scale scale investigation into the circumstances leading to the killing of the Ya Na which would most likely unearth the extent of blame to be attributed to key officials of the then National Security either by way of actions or inactions that led to the Dagbon carnage.

The Chiefs under Major Suleimana are therefore determined to defy him with the certitude that a change in regime in the upcoming polls will help unravel the whole saga of the killing of the Ya Na and bring justice and lasting peace to the area