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Entertainment of Thursday, 25 February 2010


Source: Ameyaw Debrah

Meet International Cover Fitness Model Obi Obadike

Standing at an impressive 6.2 ft and weighing 200 lbs with 2 to 3 percent body fat, world renowned cover fitness model, Obi Obadike continues to enjoy his status as one of the most ripped fitness models in the world. The Knoxville, Tennessee-born fitness cover favourite moved to Southern California at age 2 and has lived there for his whole life. Both of Obi’s parents were born in Nigeria and he has been there to visit family at three or four times in his life.

Fitness has always been a part of Obi’s life as he grew up playing basketball, football and running the tracks. He attended Cal State Fullerton on a track scholarship and while there, he broke every major track school record there. He was the school record holder in the 100, 200 meters and 400 relay. He also attained athlete of the year honors at the school and won all Big West Conference Honors two years in a row. “My love for fitness and staying in shape came from playing competitive sports in school. I enjoyed lifting weights ever since my senior year in high school and I got really addicted to working out,” says Obi.

His commitment to staying fit definitely paid off as he is regarded today as one of the best black fitness models in the industry. Obi is the first black model to land a cover for a major Canadian fitness magazine in Inside Fitness; he was the first American fitness model to grace the cover of the only natural bodybuilding and fitness magazine in Australian Natural Bodz; he landed more international supplement ad campaigns than any fitness model or bodybuilder in 2009; he was one of top three most published fitness models for 2009; he became the first American male fitness model to grace the cover of a middle eastern bodybuilding magazine; he was the first American male fitness model to land a European sports ad meal campaign; the first American male fitness model to be featured in Oxygen, Australia; Part of the first African-American male and female on a U.S. fitness cover together among several other accolades.

We caught up with the celebrity fitness model to find out more about his work, and to pick up some tips on staying fit and in shape.

Ameyaw Debrah: What exactly does being a fitness model entail?

Being a fitness model is about always being in shape for photo-shoots, magazine opportunities and fitness auditions. If you are not in shape at all times you will lose out on many fitness modeling opportunities. As a fitness model, because the job requires you to be fit you generally should follow a healthy diet and consistent training program. Most of regular society wants to have a fitness model body because it is an attainable look as well as a physique that is inspirational to many.

Ameyaw Debrah: How long have you been doing it and how did it start?

I’ve been involved in sports modeling since 1994 but I broke into the fitness modeling industry in April of 2008. I got my first start through the help of Fitness Icon Clark Bartram who is considered one of the greatest fitness models ever. He shared with me many of his contacts in the industry and gave me mentorship on how to attain success in the fitness industry. With his help and my hard work I’ve been really blessed to have attained more success than most fitness models in the industry the last 2 years.

Ameyaw Debrah: Why did you decide to get into fitness modeling?

One of the things that I observed in this fitness industry is that there were no African-American male fitness models really on fitness covers and I wanted to change that and be the guy that could break that cycle and open doors for other black fitness models. I am the first black male fitness model to land multiple fitness covers in a year and I’ve landed more international fitness covers than any other black fitness model. I’ve broken many color barriers in this industry and I believe I will be responsible for making the road much easier for many ethnic fitness models coming up in this industry. So the two reasons why I got into the industry are this: in addition, I wanted to use my success a top fitness model and writer to help educate people to get into better shape all over the world on health and fitness.

Ameyaw Debrah: Why did you give up sprinting?

I gave up sprinting at a really tender age of 24 because I had so many hamstring injuries in college and after college. I really believe I was talented enough to compete at the world class level but I had so many leg injuries that prevented me from competing at that next level.

Ameyaw Debrah: What have been some of the major projects that you have done?

The biggest project that I did in 2009 was being featured in the national Weider X Factor commercial which is currently playing all over the United States and Canada. That was a very big fitness commercial to land in the United States. Honestly the biggest projects I’ve landed have been big National commercials for companies such as Gatorade, Mcdonald’s, GM car commercial as well as many others. I’ve done more than 11 national commercials spanning since 1994.

Ameyaw Debrah: How did you earn the titled The Most Ripped Fitness Model in the World?

A writer from a very popular site called said I was the most ripped fitness model in the world. I’ve had many people in the industry that have said this and I guess this title has taken a life of its own, honestly which is quite funny. I think the reason why I’ve ever been called the most ripped or one of the most ripped is because of the conditioning I consistently bring which is usually at 2 to 3 percent body-fat for photo-shoots. I do believe that I come in leaner than most fitness models out there in photo-shoots and many people in the industry have observed that so I guess that is why I have been referenced with that title.

Ameyaw Debrah: What else do you do aside modeling?

I am a certified personal-trainer and a fitness columnist for several different national and international magazines. I am a columnist for Inside Fitness, Australian Natural Bodz, Physique Magazine, World Physique Magazine, American Natural Bodz and African-American Golfer’s Digest.

Ameyaw Debrah: What is a routine day like for you?

A routine day for me is waking up eating breakfast while I am checking email from fans and clients for an hour. From 10am to 4pm I am training clients and from 5pm to 6:30pm I am training at the gym. At 7pm I am eating dinner while attending to my online personal-training clients. Occasionally I may have fitness auditions or non-fitness auditions to go to during that timeframe of 10am to 5pm.

Ameyaw Debrah: How do you stay in shape?

I lift weights about 4 to 5 times a week and I perform my cardio about 3 times a week. My cardio consists of jogging about 3 miles a day at an 8 minute per mile pace. I alternate each week where I train 4 times a week one week and 5 times another week. I am very consistent in my routine and while I am weight-training it is always done in a super-setting method which allows me to burn calories at a rapid rate while training anerobically.

Ameyaw Debrah: Do you use supplements?

I do use supplements to workout but it is very basic. I take a Whey Protein drink once a day and I take K-4 Kre-alkalyne for muscle growth, strength and endurance purposes. The international ad campaigns I’ve done were just for exposure and modeling purposes only. I am very cautious of what supplement companies I endorse in terms of being in ad campaigns that I don’t believe in. I am a clean athlete who has never taken a drug or steroid in his life and I am very proud to say that.

Ameyaw Debrah: How challenging has it been for you to get on magazine covers?

I’ve been blessed to have been on covers all over the world. Honestly as a black fitness model it is very difficult getting on fitness covers in the United States. Unfortunately there are still some publishers that refuse to put a black male fitness model on their cover for fear that sales will drop. I would say there are at least 4 magazines in the U.S that have never even done it. In 2010 it is quite sad that there is still a little bit of discrimination in the fitness industry against ethnic fitness models. When I came in this industry it was quite simple and I wanted to be the fitness model to change all of that and to use my success to open doors for other fitness models of color. I really believe my success in this industry will eventually make it easier for other black fitness models that aspire to be a cover model. I do hope that 10 years down the line that this won’t be a discussion and that all fitness models will get the opportunity to grace a cover based on merit as opposed to ethnicity. I am really the only fitness model that has talked about this discrimination publicly in-depth in interviews.

Ameyaw Debrah: What is the difference between a fitness model and a bodybuilder?

The difference is that a fitness model has a physique that is more athletic than a bodybuilder and is always in shape. A fitness model has no offseason and is built like an American football player or sprinter. Their physique is much more attainable and is more relatable to the mainstream of society. A fitness model is like a typical Men’s Health body. A bodybuilder has much more muscle than the average guy and is not as athletic as a fitness model. A bodybuilder has an offseason and is really only in shape only around competition time which would be one to two times a year whereas a fitness model is usually always lean and ready to go at a moment’s notice.

Ameyaw Debrah: Are some particular body types easy to stay ripped or anyone can have one?

Everybody’s body is different in terms of how ripped they can get. Some people have such a fast metabolism and can eat anything and at times will never gain weight. And there are some people who have to eat healthy 7 days a week to get ripped. Honestly your God-given genetics dictates how hard you have to work out in the gym and how healthy you have to eat to accomplish your fitness goals.

Ameyaw Debrah: What kind of food do you eat and what would you recommend?

I eat lots of chicken, turkey, brown rice. The main thing I tell people is to have a balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein and fats. Make sure you consume your carbs and fats within moderation so you don’t gain weight. Eating healthy is very important in staying lean. Make sure you minimize alcohol, soda, cake, cookies, bread, etc which are all stuff that is advantageous to someone gaining weight.

Ameyaw Debrah: What basic advice would you give to someone who wants to have the body of a fitness model?

I would tell that person that you are not going to have a fitness model physique overnight. It takes hard work and dedication over a period of time to develop a body like a cover fitness model. Some people can attain that physique faster than other because of their genetics. If you eat right, train consistently then within time you can develop a fit lean fitness model physique but what I tell many people who email me is to be patient because it won’t happen overnight. Many people develop a better body after 30 because of the muscle maturity that they can attain after 30 years old. Everybody’s body is different in terms of how ripped they can get. Some people have such a fast metabolism and can eat anything and at times will never gain weight. And there are some people who have to eat healthy 7 days a week to get ripped. Honestly your God-given genetics dictates how hard you have to work out in the gym and how healthy you have to eat to accomplish your fitness goals.

Obi’s Tips to Staying Fit:

Basic exercises:

3 sets of 15 push-ups which works your chest, shoulder and triceps

3 sets of 15 repetitions of chair dips

3 sets of 15 exercises of sit-ups which works your abs

Some other exercises you can do is a basic bench press which works your chest, standing dumbbell curls which works your arms and lunges which works your legs.

The Do’s in Staying Fit:

Drink lots of water

Eat small meals a day which speeds up your metabolism

Be consistent

Believe in yourself

Remember that weight-training and cardio goes hand in hand

The don’ts in Staying Fit:

Don’t eat late at night

Don’t over-consume carbs

Don’t take shortcuts while working out

Don’t use the scale to measure yourself, use the mirror

Don’t over-train

photo by Jason Elis