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Rumor Mill of Friday, 9 March 2007


Source: Lens

Mills Jumps Over NPP's Trap

Information picked up from some high-ups in the NPP has it that the last thing they wanted, was for Prof Mills, the Presidential Candidate of the NDC, to be present at the independence anniversary parade.

The very credible information, which was picked up on Tuesday at the Independence Square, has it that the NPP, knowing very much what the presence of Prof Mills at the parade would do to his already high political image, very much wished that the NDC?s presidential candidate would find some reason to stay away from the event.

It was in the immediate aftermath of the arrival of Prof Mills, his entourage made up of Dr. Mrs. Mary Grant, Dr. Kwabena Adjei, Mr. Ohene Kena, Dr. John Abu, Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketia, Squadron Leader (Retired) Clend Sowu, Hajia Mariama Sinare, comrade Antwi Boasiako Sekyere, his aides Nii Lantey Vanderpuije and Koku Anyidoho as well as other party faithfuls arrived at the parade grounds, that this paper chanced upon the wishes of the NPP.

The information which fell from the lips of some NPP gurus (names withheld because the information was ?intercepted?) had it that, the invitation to Prof Mills was deliberately sent late hoping that aside all other reasons that could have kept Prof Mills away from the parade, the late arrival of his invitation would have been the last straw that would break the back of Prof Mills.

Apparently, Prof Mills, who apart from being the Presidential Candidate of the NDC, is also the only surviving former vice president of the Republic of Ghana, did not receive his invitation to such an important function until about 2. pm on Friday, March 02, 2007.

According to Nii Lantey Vanderpuije, an aide to Prof Mills, he actually had to go to the office of the State Protocol in order to pick up Prof?s invitation.

?Even though by the time I got to the office of the State Protocol Prof?s invitation was ready, I don?t know when he would have received it since as at the time I got there, it was still sitting on their table? said Nii Lantey.

What it means is that, the invitation would have gotten to office of Professor Mills either very late on Friday or on Monday.

The extreme scenario is that, the invitation could have been dropped on Tuesday, the day of the parade, and if Prof Mills did not receive it in time in order to honour the invitation, the records would still have had it that the Presidential Candidate of the NDC was invited to be part of the anniversary celebrations but he snubbed the event, which would have served the Mills bashing agenda of the NPP very well.

?So our plan has failed? So Prof did not refuse to come so that we can tag him as anti Ghana and destroy his reputation in the eyes of the moderates and middle class people who are now viewing Prof from a very positive angle and believing that it would not be wrong to give him the mandate to become the next president, and would never have forgiven him for refusing to respect our independence day? were the words of one of the NPP gurus.

?Only God knows the way we had planned to go on a propaganda binge if he had stayed away and would have questioned his right in claiming that he is a peace loving person and a unifying factor as his absence would have given us enough reason to take his Asmodwehene crown away from him and paint him black? another NPP guru added.

What even killed the spirit of the NPP gurus the more was the fact that whilst Kufuor chose to disrespect Ghana?s tradition by cladding himself in an ill-fitting western made suit, Prof Mills projected everything good about Ghana by resplendently appearing in a rich kente, a jumper to match, and in the appropriate Ghanaian footwear.

The NPP gurus, who were unknowingly pouring their hearts out to this reporter, really complained about their president?s choice of attire and did not hide the fact that Professor Mills was appropriately attired.

?Prof has not only poured water on our wish to see him absent, but has come appropriately dressed and to all intents and purposes, looks more presidential than our man? one of the gurus let out with frustration written all over his face.

To all intents and purposes, it was a politically mature decision for the NDC to agree to put in an appearance at the Independence Square and it was more politically wise for Prof Mills to lead the delegation.

It is now as clear as daylight that the NPP is really scared of the possibility that is staring them in the face that the image of Prof Mills is souring by the day and the fact that come January 07, 2009, the former vice president would take his rightful seat in the castle and steer this country back onto the path of righteousness and everlasting glory