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Tabloid News of Thursday, 6 February 2003


Source: P&P

Miracle Unfolds In Accra

There was drama at the Kwame Nkrumah Circle, Accra, on January 30 2003 when a popular madman who normally roamed the streets of the vicinity miraculously received his healing.

So startling was the news of the instant healing of the ever-dirty-looking insane man that residents of the area, sellers and even early morning commuters rushed to the scene to catch a glimpse at the healed man and the man of God behind it all.

According to the young Evangelist, Roland Odartey Mills of the Wesley Methodist Church in Accra, he, as was his daily routine, went on his rounds to circle to share the word when he bumped into the wretched madman.

“Instantly, I felt within me that the Holy Spirit wanted to heal him of his afflictions so I called him aside and with a friendly tone asked him to sit down,” he narrated.

He related that his unimaginable encounter with the madman attracted curious eyewitnesses whom he requested to assist him in prayers. After about 30 minutes of fervent prayer, the wild-looking man became tame. With the help of some eyewitnesses, the then madman was given a clean shave after which he was thoroughly bathed, the first time perhaps in many years.

A seller of handicrafts at Circle and Fred Sackey, a taxicab driver with car registration number GR 5179S in separate interviews with the P&P admitted having known the madman for several years as he was normally found loitering around Circle around the Wok in Restaurant and eating from a nearby rubbish dump.

The cured man, who gave his name to P&P as Emmanuel Adu Antwi from Cape Coast in the Central Region, related that he remembers he was ill about eight years ago and filled P&P in on what happened during his illness, “I remember being sent to a certain prayer camp but I can’t remember what happened afterwards.”

Meanwhile, at the time of filing this report attempts were being made by the Evangelist as well as other concerned traders at Circle to link the healed man up to his family back in Cape Coast.