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Rumor Mill of Thursday, 23 January 2003


Source: ferdinand o. ayim special assistant to the minister

Money “Chopping” At Ministry - Rejoinder

The two-paragraph piece of concocted and defamatory stuff under the above headline, which appeared in the Rumour Mill of Ghanaweb of Tuesday 21 January 2003, refers.

“Toli” or mere rumour the scurrilous stuff may be, but that is no excuse to splash it on www without any attempt to crosscheck.

It is so easy to monger such a rumour, but the facts completely belie it.

The anniversary event management is a National Planning Committee effort, assisted by 4 sub Committees, while the Ministry operates its account.

Cheques are issued in the name of the Ministry and not to any personal account, while disbursement is done with cheques cashed to the Ministry’s account. Even imprests are taken directly out of that account.

To “allege” that cheques can be so easily collected from Companies and paid into personal accounts is to betray stark ignorance of accounting procedures in corporate establishments.

Just like the Anniversary accounts for last year were audited and found to be unblemished, so shall this year’s account be subjected to the laid down scrutiny.

The Minister of Information and Presidential Affairs has a proven record as an excellent manager, having headed for years, Ghana’s leading advertising Company. So that while he constantly delegates power, he demands and ensures accountability to assess performance.

As far as the anniversary money is concerned, my conscience and hands are clean, as the audit report will eventually show.