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Rumor Mill of Thursday, 5 May 2016


Source: aL-hAJJ

NPP polls Favour Mahama -To win 2016

Despite the last two reports of EIU predicting a close contest between flag bearers of the two leading political parties with the opposition NPP’s Akufo-Addo slightly ahead of sitting president Mahama; results of various polls commissioned by the New Patriotic Party depict otherwise.

Three polls so far conducted by independent pollsters hired by the opposition NPP in the last 15 months; two by the office of Nana Akufo-Addo and one by the party, all point to a first round resounding victory for President John Mahama and the governing NDC in the projected November elections, The aL-hAJJ can authoritatively report.

The polls, according to this paper’s reliable intelligence, were conducted between January 2015 and March this year to test Nana Akufo-Addo’s popularity ahead of the November elections, against what the NPP described as; corruption-infested and hardship plagued Mahama administration.

Enjoying the favorable picture the EIU has painted about Nana Akufo-Addo’s third and possibly last attempt at the presidency, strategists of the NPP were said to have engaged the services of two foreign research firms from South Africa and Serbia, and the Danquah Institute to conduct separate polls on the chances of the party.

To the disappointment of the NPP twice-defeated presidential candidate and his handlers, who apparently were rejoicing over the EIU’s research outlook, the outcome of their own conducted polls dispel an Akufo-Addo presidency after the November 7 elections.

According to deep throat sources in the party familiar with the poll results, although Ghanaians in general complained about hardship in the country, they nonetheless, are unwilling to change the present government due to what they described as; “continuity in the laying of sound foundation for the country’s economic take-off”.

Another factor that works against Nana Akufo Addo which runs through all poll results although not explicit, the sources revealed; was the character and the appropriateness of the two leading contestants.

“Whilst many of the respondents claimed they are not active members of either of the two dominants parties, the NPP or NDC; majority of them say they are happy with the resoluteness with which the NDC administration is tackling the nation’s infrastructural deficit. They also expressed their approval for John Mahama’s cool-headedness and tolerance level”, a portion of one report as quoted by our source.

With this foreknowledge per their own polls results that, another excruciating defeat awaits Nana Akufo-Addo in the November polls, the NPP is said to have adopted a strategy to disrupt the impending elections.

Bigwigs of the NPP, The aL-hAJJ is reliably informed, have given up on their bid to competitively snatch power from the governing NDC and have therefore resorted to psyching their supporters to create confusion to disrupt the November elections.

The NPP commissioned polls results seem to give credence to an online polls currently trending and conducted by which saw President Mahama grabbing a whopping 69% (9,100 Votes) while Nana Addo trailed with (26%, 3,405 Votes), Paa Kwesi Nduom of the PPP (2%, 237 Votes) taking the third position.

The NPP’s polls results certainly disputes separate research findings by the Economic Intelligence Unit conducted in November 2015 and March this year which all forecast a win for Nana Akufo-Addo but, warned that the biggest opposition party needs to work hard to attract votes in Central Region whilst maintaining internal unity.

Parts of the EIU’s March 2016 report states “there is little time for Mr Mahama and the NDC to turn the economy around before the November 2016 Presidential and Legislative elections. The Economist Intelligence Unit therefore expects Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP to be victorious”

The EIU report expects the results to be close and warned that the “outcome is not a foregone conclusion”. It revealed that the NPP needs to maintain internal unity and reach out beyond its strongholds.

Conversely, the report ironically revealed that Ghana’s economy under the watch of the Mahama government is on the verge of witnessing an exponential economic growth between 2017 and 2019.

Perhaps, mindful of the outcome of the NPP’s own polls, deputy General Secretary of the NPP, Nana Obiri Boahen in reacting to the latest EIU’s report said “we are not going to bank our hope on any prediction from an astrologer or soothsayer.”

Although he acknowledged that the general economic frustration of Ghanaians is “a notorious fact”, Nana Obiri Boahen said the party will campaign ‘village to village’ ‘cottage to cottage”.