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Entertainment of Friday, 10 August 2018


Source: Madeline Vann, MPH

Orgasm facts! 7 things you never knew about climaxes

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Ever pondered the science behind orgasms (or wondered how they boost your health or change with age)? Probably not — especially when you’re smack-dab in the middle of one.

But as it turns out, there are plenty of interesting things to know about sex’s crowning glory.

For example, were you aware that some people can think themselves into having an orgasm — or that men have G-spots, too?

The sexual climax has been mystifying people for thousands of years (including your high-school boyfriend) — and that’s why we’ve gathered some of the most fascinating facts about orgasms out there. Take a peek!

1. Women climax prematurely, too

You hear a lot of about premature ejaculation — the tendency for a man to ejaculate with little sexual stimulation, usually just after sex begins (or even prior to getting started). Doctors estimate that about 20 to 30 percent of men will prematurely ejaculate at some point in their lives. But it’s not just guys who peak too soon.

A recent survey of Portuguese women between the ages of 18 and 45 found that about 40 percent of participants occasionally orgasm before they intend to — and about 3 percent of them do so chronically.

While premature orgasm is certainly a problem for some females (and they should feel comfortable speaking about it with their doctors, says study researcher Serafim Carvalho, MD), a much more widespread issue for women is the inability to reach orgasm.

2. Not all orgasms are earth shattering

If you think you’re doing something wrong because each and every one of your orgasms isn’t scream-worthy, think again.

“Some orgasms are sweet and gentle, some are big — but in fact, they are all pleasurable,” says Betty Dodson, PhD, a sex educator in private practice in New York City and the best-selling author of Sex for One and Orgasms for Two.

But if you feel like your climaxes aren’t up to par, Dodson advocates scheduling some “alone time” to learn about what arouses you, as well as your range of orgasmic responses (then you can share this information with your partner!).

3.Want to orgasm? Get your head in the game

Your sky-high electric bill, that big meeting at work, last night’s episode of “The Kardashians” — are you constantly thinking about everything but sex when you’re having sex? Join the club — research reported in the journal Sexologies points out that many women have difficulty reaching orgasm because of their wandering, distracting thoughts mid-romp.

And oftentimes, those thoughts are negative, according to the study’s 191 participants (troubling thoughts included sexual dysfunction, body image issues, even sexual abuse).

If your mind keeps wandering during sex, you may want to make a conscious effort to keep your mind on the prize.

4.Guys have g-spots too

For women, the G-spot is a hard-to-find (or some say mythical) place inside the vagina that can set off earth-shattering orgasms.

But do men have similar orgasmic potential? According to Dr. Niederberger, the anatomical equivalent on the male is the frenulum, a collection of highly sensitized nerves just under the head of the penis.

Whether G-spots really exist is still up for debate, but Niederberger says it’s important to remember that both men and women can have toe-curlingly-satisfying sex lives without one.

5.Fast and stealthy wins the race

Not all sperm are created equal. In fact, take any given sample sperm that get released during the male orgasm, and you’ll find some that are dead or immobile and others that are relatively speedy (they get even speedier in response to chemical signals from a woman’s vagina and egg).

“Sperm should move at 30 micrometers per second or more,” says urologist Craig Niederberger, MD, FACS, head of the department of urology at the University of Illinois in Chicago. Also, they should generally move forward, rather than simply bouncing around in one spot.

6.Orgasms Can Relieve Pain

Should you ditch the painkillers for a romp in the hay or solo-style sex? “I recommend women masturbate to orgasm to relieve their monthly cramps,” says Dodson. There are several possible reasons climaxing kills pain.

The chemical and muscular cascade involved in having an orgasm may be a pain reliever, she says — and chances are that distraction and profound relaxation also help. In any case, it can’t hurt to try.

7.The Truth About Multiple Orgasms

Do some women orgasm, only to orgasm again (and then yet again)? While it is certainly possible for individuals to have more than one orgasm in a sexual interlude, Dodson says to proceed with caution.

“My concern with so-called ‘multiple orgasms’ is that I believe many women are actually counting the naturally occurring autonomic reflexes that can follow an orgasm,” she says. Of course, these “aftershocks” can still be quite pleasurable.

Source: Madeline Vann, MPH; Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III MD, MPH

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