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Rumor Mill of Wednesday, 15 February 2006


Source: pfm

Parliament To Pass ROPAB On Friday?

The boycott of Parliament proceedings by the Minority has not in the least ruffled the Majority in Parliament. This assertion is premised on the fact that the Consideration Stage and the Third Reading of the controversial Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill (ROPAB) are likely to be taken by the House on Thursday and Friday respectively.

The Business Statement for this week has scheduled next two stages of the Bill for the aforementioned days. Seven amendments have been advertised in respect of the ROPAB.

The Minority last Thursday, embarked on an indefinite boycott of proceedings citing among others, the ?determined effort of the Majority to bulldoze the ROPAB through Parliament notwithstanding opposition from other political stakeholders and sensible advice from civil society.?