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Rumor Mill of Sunday, 19 November 2006


Source: new democrat

Plot Against Mills Exposed

NPP security attempt to get his medical file …“I’m healthier than any presidential aspirant” he Replies Paid Blackmailers and Frauds

The New Democrat has received information from its sources in the External Intelligence wing of National Security severally referred to as the Research Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs blaming the attempt to create an issue out of Prof. Atta Mills’ medical attention he received in South Africa on President J.A. Kufuor’s inner security circle.

According to the sources, the security clique ensconced at the ‘Blue Gate and Blue House’, are involved in the spreading of the false information on Atta Mills’ health. Sources in South Africa have confirmed strenuous efforts made by the Research Department (External Intelligence) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to have access to the Professor’s medical files. Unable to get hold of it, they have decided to concoct stories to the contrary about his health.

The deliberate falsification and politicisation of the former Vice-President’s health is centred on his growing popularity and the raw intelligence data on the ground which points to forays Atta Mills is making into NPP strongholds in the Central Region in the last three months after his regular visits to his home region. Kufuor’s inner security circle, we are informed is also deeply worried about intelligence reports which picked out Mills as the candidate to beat in any future elections in the country.

And in partnership with paid media agents and their over-ambitious political collaborators in the NDC, they have tried to make Atta Mills health a campaign issue. The New Democrat is in possession of credible information as to the health conditions of some very influential members in the NPP government. The types of ailment they have suffered from and some still being diagnosed in top hospitals in Europe and the United States of America will be made public.

Meanwhile Atta Mills has pointed out his disdain for cheap and yellow journalism in Nkrumah’s Ghana . He decried the muzzling of the truth by people who claimed to have the calling to inform, inspire and hold public officials accountable. In his humble submission before the media in Sunyani, he posited why falling sick and receiving medical attention should become a bother to his political opponents and paid media blackmailers?

The Law Professor in his usual calm disposition wondered if he is ‘superhuman’ to the extent that he cannot fall sick. He said he was fitter and healthier than he was ten years ago.

In an exclusive interview with this paper over the weekend, the former Vice- President said asked said he is able to swim for two hours non-stop and play hockey. He asked whether someone with a health problem could endure such vigorous exercises as swimming and playing hockey.

What many Ghanaians may not be aware of is the fact that the real issue about his health is the NPP government’s fear of his more than bright chances of winning the NDC Congress and capping it with a resounding victory in 2008.