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Entertainment of Wednesday, 10 June 2020



Praye's manager condemns Bernard Mornah and his ‘NDC paymasters’

Kobby Blackmoe (third from left) Kobby Blackmoe (third from left)

The usually quiet manager of multiple award-winning group, Praye, Kwabena Owusu Frimpong a.k.a Kobby Blackmoe, appears incensed by the apparent hypocrisy of Bernard Mornah, National Chairman of the People's National Convention (PNC) and his allies, and has subsequently called on the youth to disregard their hypocritical and inconsistent utterances and actions by going out in the numbers to massively register in the upcoming voter registration exercise.

"Didn't Bernard Mornah recklessly expose Ghanaians to Covid-19 when he bused crowds of rented vulnerable youths in an obviously illegal march to the CID headquarters on 2nd June? It was a riotous rowdy and chaotic crowd. Where was the appropriate social distancing? Where were their nose masks?" He queried.

Kobby Blackmoe wants the Attorney General to prosecute Mornah and his NDC paymasters for putting the lives of police officers at the CID headquarters at risk by their rash action and for also breaking the Public Order Act. Mornah was accompanied by some NDC MPs in his action.

In an interview that Kobby Blackmoe granted on 3rd June 2020, he asked which of the two actions exposed Ghanaians to Covid-19 infection: "the riotous NDC rented crowd's actions or the orderly pilot EC voter registration exercise that stringently followed all Covid-19 prevention protocols?

Incidentally, both events took place on the same day.

The NDC is seeking to prevent the EC from going ahead with the compilation of a new voters' register claiming that it will expose Ghanaians to Covid-19 infection.

"If the EC can replicate this orderliness nationwide, and the NDC will replicate this riotous and illegal behavior nationwide with its rented crowds, then, which of the two is seeking to infect Ghanaians with Covid-19", he asked rhetorically.

He, therefore, urged the youth to ensure that they get their names on the new electoral roll and to disregard the NDC and their haunted ghosts.

By registering the youth will be exercising their constitutional right to determine who rules them in the next four years. "The youth has a stake in who rules this country, when and how" and this, he reiterated, can only be done by ensuring that they have the right to vote in the first place.

"Again, what is the surest way of obtaining a free and nationally recognized identification card in a hassle-free manner? He quipped. "Obviously, by registering to vote, we all know!"

He believes the possession of a voter's ID card will enable our teeming youths to easily access services with the banks, insurance companies, including mobile money and the GHS 600 million Covid-19 Alleviation Fund. All public offices accept the voter's ID card as proof of identity since it is a nationally recognized ID card.

"As future leaders, you need to take your destiny into your own hands, to develop yourself and to sweep yourself into the commanding heights of Ghana's socio-economic life", he added.

He urged the youth to be law-abiding and not to allow themselves to be rented for any activity that will not inure to their future development and the development of Ghana.

He advised all and sundry to be law-abiding saying that "the beating of war drums by certain groups will bring us no good. The beating of one's chest only hurts one's chest. The Cambridge Analytics style of politicking using violent language helps no nation; it has destroyed many a nation" he asserted.

Quoting Chairman Rawlings in his September 1983 address to cadres of the revolution, he said that it is time

"Populist nonsense must give way to popular or unpopular sense"

It is time for every group and every Ghanaian to rally around for a peaceful electoral process, he entreated.