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Music of Sunday, 4 July 2004



Randy Noonoo To Excite Music Lovers

For some weeks now, the grapevine has been churning the rumour that Randy Noonoo, the Papa Blackman hit-man is about to release a new album never before heard around here for a long time.

Having followed Randy Noonoo?s musical career since he hit the music scene with his ?M?Anidaso Wo Soro? in 1987, I became naturally curious to find out from the horse?s own mouth, the truth of otherwise of the rumour.

When I managed to trace Randy Noonoo at last to his Darkuman-Nyamekye residence last Sunday after weeks of missing him at one studio or the other, the youngman whose ?Papa Blackman? album released last year is still making waves on the music scene, sounded a little evasive but optimistic and enthusiastic when I tried to find out about the title of his forthcoming album.

?I don?t want to reveal it now? he said. ?Why?? I probed.

?Because I can?t easily pick a title from the lot. It is not easy to rate any one track above the others?.

I took this as one of the usual jealous feelings that artistes have their feelings that artistes have other their works, but Randy disabused my mind by suggesting that I should listen to the album and see whether I could help him to choose a suitable title for it.

For the next twenty five minutes or so that I listened to snippets of the album which the musician said was still to receive final touches, I was mesmerized by a medley of highlife, hiplife, ?osode? and reggae music that sounded like refined versions of the best of Randy Noonoo?s previous albums and a mixture of some of the best highlife, hiplife, osode? and reggae music on the market.

In fact, what I heard were a collection of what I can term the best to come from Randy Noonoo. The tracks were simply fantastic. There was no way I could pick any one track and leave out the others.

The question I asked as I left the handsome musician was what I had earlier put to him, ?So If you can produce wonderful works like this, what have been waiting for all this while??

The answer he gave was ?For everything there is a time?.

I can?t agree more with him. I can bet that Randy Noonoo?s forth coming album is going to rob shoulders with the best in his field and knock out many others. I can put my neck on the line if any body can also stick out his neck to challenge my prediction.

?Wo Boa? (You Lie) and I mean this not only a challenge but also a hint that this was but one of the title tracks of Randy Noonoo?s forth coming album that I enjoyed very much. Watch out for the album next month, all things being equal.

This is an album which is arriving at the proper time. I can?t wait for it!