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Rumor Mill of Wednesday, 30 January 2008


Source: Story By Nana Biakoye, Private Investigative Journalist

Rawlings Plots Coup In NDC

... Plans To Overthrow Mills And Impose Spio
... Cannot Stand Mills Independence
... But NDC Supporters Say Torfiakwa!!!

Jerry John Rawlings’ penchant for coups may not actually be over as very credible information reaching this paper has it that the serial coupist is plotting to stage another coup.

This time however, Rawlings is plotting to stage the coup within his NDC party and overthrow the party’s current Leader and Presidential Candidate, Professor John Evans Atta Mills.

The information has it that for sometime now, Rawlings and his wife have been seething with anger at the manner in which Professor Mills has asserted himself on the party and has not allowed the Rawlingses to influence any decision of his.

The law professor and legal luminary, who has always been a very independent minded person, seems to be irking the Rawlingses by the day as they are unable to push Atta Mills in any way possible.

This paper’s extremely reliable source has it that, the Rawlingses are doing everything possible to find ways of getting Atta Mills out of the way and imposing their yes-man, Ekow Spio Garbrah on the party as its flagbearer.

It is not known how the Rawlingses intend to succeed in getting Atta Mills out of the way since there are lots of legal implications involved, as well as giving the party a major headache especially as the election is only 11 months away.

“One main reason why the Rawlingses hate Atta Mills, is because he wisely refused to hit the streets in 2004. The Rawlingses wanted the professor to reject the 2004 results and move people onto the streets but Atta Mills refused because he was not prepared to allow innocent Ghanaians to die even though he had legitimate reasons to hit the streets” the source said.

“Rawlings and his wife had left the country and were in Gabon at the time they were issuing their instructions and Professor Mills rightly refused to do their bidding. Why didn’t they stay and initiate the demonstration themselves?” the source added.

According to the source, in 2004, it was premature for Atta Mills to hit the streets but if the NPP goes ahead and repeats what it did in 2004, this time around, Atta Mills and the NDC will have no option but to use all legitimate means to retrieve their stolen mandate.

“Once bitten twice shy; so there is no way Atta Mills will allow the NPP to steal the verdict again. In fact, if Atta Mills accepts a stolen verdict, the masses will not accept it” was how the source put it.

Also, for some strange reason, Rawlings has been trying very hard to get Atta Mills to appoint Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings as his running mate.

A very independent-thinking Atta Mills has made it clear to Rawlings that there is no way he would appoint the former first lady as his running mate – a very sensible line of thinking by Atta Mills, which Rawlings cannot find space in his head to accommodate.

Investigations have it that even within the NDC, Konadu Agyemang Rawlings is very unpopular as she is seen as the person who single handedly made Ghanaians abhor her husband especially as she caused the likes of P.V Obeng and Kojo Tsikata to abandon ship.

According to the source, Rawlings and his wife are foreseeing an NDC victory and want somebody they can manipulate and because Atta Mills is making it very clear to them that he will be solely responsible for his decisions and actions and not allow any external hand to tell him what to do, the Rawlings want to impose a yes-man like Spio Garbrah on the party so that once the party is in power, they will be the ones controlling the government.

Indeed, the records have it that during the NDC’s December 2006 congress to elect its flagbearer, the Rawlingses fielded Spio Garbrah and Eddie Annan hoping that they could use the two politically dead arrows to scuttle the chances of Atta Mills.

However, the delegates, knowing the agenda of the Rawlingses, moved against them and voted massively for the man who they have come to believe, has what it takes to become a very independent minded president of Ghana who will take decisions that will benefit Ghanaians in general and not take decisions that will benefit only a small section of the populace – especially those with evil and wicked intentions.

NDC supporters who have heard of what Rawlings and his wife are planning to do, have said that such a thing will happen over their dead bodies.

They have sworn to teach Rawlings and his wife a very bitter lesson should they dare make any such move.

“When at the age of 27, Atta Mills was getting his PhD, where was Rawlings such that he cannot accept the fact that the law professor is not prepared to take any unwarranted instructions from him” an angry party foot soldier quizzed?

“Rawlings should not overplay his importance in the NDC at all. If what happened to him at Akwatia is not a lesson enough, he should dare make any move to replace Atta Mills with Spio Garbrah and he will see whether he would still be the founder of any viable political party in this country” another angry female constituency executive said.

“We respect Rawlings for what he has done for this country but for goodness sake, his days are over and Atta Mills is very spot-on if he refuses to be at the beck and call of the former president and his wife” said an NDC MP

“Those of us who know Atta Mills from way back, know that he is a very firm character and so we are not surprised that he is sticking to his guns and not allowing Rawlings and his wife to control him” the MP added.

For some reasons, the Rawlingses must have believed in what they were reading in some newspapers that Atta Mills is not his own man and because the former vice president is making it abundantly clear that the former first couple cannot control him, they are plotting a coup that will most certainly leave them as the people on the losing side of the divide.

When called to speak on the matter, sources close to both Atta Mills and former president Rawlings refused to comment on the matter saying that they know nothing about any such plot by Rawlings to overthrow Atta Mills saying that they are sure that the rumour doing the rounds is a calculated plot to sow an imaginary seed of discord within an NDC party that is very much united for victory.