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Music of Thursday, 25 March 2004



Results Sparks Controversy....Who Is To Blame?

Princess Cynthia performing at the awards ceremony. Some people have suggested that the name of the Ghana Music Awards be changed because it is not a national event as has been made to seem but an event born and bred by Charter House for their own gains.

Many other sentiments have been expressed after the fifth edition of the event that seek to reward our musicians for excellence.

?If they knew they were going to give the awards to only VIP and Daughters of Glorious Jesus, why didn?t they just invite them to their offices and present the awards to them instead of wasting everybody?s time,? was the grievance of one lady who called the Showbiz office Monday after the awards and would not even hear this reporter out, tried as she did to explain that the winners are determined through Public and Selection Committee voting.

Another suggestion that is gaining grounds is that the 50% allotted to Public voting should be slashed drastically since its credibility is seriously in doubt. The beef here is that some artistes can just buy uncountable number of the newspapers used for voting and have people vote for them. And this is not an impossibility, is it?

The big question that has popped out over the years and is currently on the lips of many music enthusiasts is whether people actually vote for their favourite artistes? If they don?t, then why cry foul when these artistes do not win? But if public voting has attracted stains then it may not matter too much whether or not people vote for their favourite artistes.

Then the now very popular Selection Committee, the question is how credible is their voting and on what basis are they selected. For the records the selection committee comprises musicians who have not nominated, engineers, art writers, radio presenters and DJs, producers and basically people who are expected to have a good idea of the various music types and how they have fared under the year in review.

Again some people are of the opinion that the period for consideration should simply be January to December to make it easier to monitor the songs because some songs which do very well in the year seem to be drowned by those released towards the end of the year simply because the latter tend to be on the lips of many by the time of voting.

In an interview with Showbiz Mrs Theresa Ayoade, General Manager of Charter House stated emphatically that anyone who holds the view that they(the organisers) give awards to their favourites is just exhibiting gross ignorance of the process because Charter House as the event organiser, is not interested in who wins or loses.

She however expressed appreciation for the numerous suggestions that have come up after the fifth edition of the awards, ?we are a team of very young and dynamic people who believe in challenges so we always welcome new ideas.?

For starters, Mrs Ayoade hinted Showbiz that Charter House will soon organise a forum for musicians and all stake holders in the industry to look at the way forward ? and possibly adapt a process that will be acceptable to all.