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Rumor Mill of Sunday, 1 June 2008


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Rumour corner

Looking into our rumor box for this week we have one related to an executive producer in the music industry who is currently in serious calamity. As we normally do it its all about questions and nothing else.

Without wasting much time lets move on quickly because I know you are itching to hear what I have for you. Is it true that there is currently an executive producer in the rigors of the law who was then working with the British High Commission in Ghana and was sacked due to problems he had with management?

Again is it true that after he was sacked he later decided to partner with a friend to open a travel and tour firm? Is it true that he decided to join the music industry as a producer with an aim of using musicians as cover ups for his visa deals and was later engaging his artists in drug trafficking which nearly backfired some months back when one of his artiste nearly died when their flight delayed and was operated upon in a small clinic in a hood they never stop mentioning in their songs?

The world is truly a strange place to live in because with what I am about to ask I think everybody may doubt but yet we have to know if it’s true. Speculations again surrounding the arrest of this highly respected producer is that his wife whom he was staying with and also the mother of his children was flirting with her ex-boyfriend and in view of this they conspired for his arrest since his presence was disturbing their relationship and wanted to get rid of him?

Is it also true that his artiste knew his wife’s poor moral act and complained to him but never took them serious? Well if this last allegation is true then I will plead with you men to fear women and save your lives. Till I come your way again I urge you all not to put your trust in men because men can deceive you. I am out!