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Tabloid News of Monday, 8 January 2007



"Saddam's Fate Should Teach JAK & JJ A Lesson" -

A Catholic Politician who strongly opposes the death penalty and a long critic of the "Machiavelli Politics" of [both] President John Agyekum Kuffuor and former President Jerry John Rawlings - "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as (Kwame Mayor), has publicly advised the the nation's top Political Leaders to take lessons from the "Machiavelli Fate" of former Iraq President, Saddam Hussein who abused public office to persecute his political opponents.

" For what does it profit a Leader who utilizes Machiavelli and Stalisnic Philosophy to oppress his Political opponents in order to stay in power by any means necessary and in the end losses his own Soul", CPP activist and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, who claims to be the Nation's "Political Messiah" asked.

"President John Agyekum Kuffuor is a better Democrat than former President Jerry John Rawlings (but) former President Rawlings is more fair-minded than President Kuffuor, said the "People's Mayor".

" The Nation should [not] forget that under President Kuffor's administration - (with his direct knowledge), "Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor was subjected into political persecution unprecedented in the history of modern Civilian Governments; denied every Civil Service position and teaching position in (government - controlled) University and Polytechnic institutions in Ghana - in an effort to subject him into "death by slow starvation", said the World's greatest victim of "Politically-Motivated Persecution", who, according to American bureaucrats, is more educated that 70 % of America's population .

"President John Agyekum kuffuor abused his powers to consistently snatched my strategic ideas and after taking advantage of my hard won published ideas, denied me of my basic rights".

"President Kuffuor will kill you Spiritually and Emotionally while former President Rawlings will kill you (Physically, Spiritually and Emotionally !!!)", said the Politician who says that whereas President Kuffuor's men describe his criticisms as "Truthdful"; "Objective" and "Constructive", a few of Rawlings supporters, on the other hand, do not want Rawlings to be criticised at all.

"Both are President Kuffuor and former President Rawlings are Disciples of Machiavelli except that Mr. Kuffuor does not kill and former president Rawlings killed without mercy, exactly like Saddam", said the Civil Rights and Human Rights Icon in his own right.

The only man in history or the only indigenous African to stand up MIGHTILY to a [few] Bullies of a Super Power - (Thanks to the support of Brave American People and the Civilized and Democratic Government of the United States of America and especially, Special Thanks to President Bill Clinton's White House which once ordered the Justice Department to investigate allegations of persecutions against the first Ghanaian born to run for Mayor of Los Angeles) - said Texas "Cow Boy", President George Bush, has made the World a better place to live, even though he prefers President Bill Clinton's style of politics.

The Leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition praised President Ford as the epitome of Democratic Civility and expressed regret that he could not attend his funeral like President Ronald Reagan.

Let the World know that Ghanaians abroad were equally touched by the passing away of a legendary American President who opposed persecution of his own people and people in the rest of the World Community".