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Entertainment of Thursday, 26 June 2003


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Sammi B Welcomes Housemate from UK

NO sooner had the 10 remaining Big Brother Africa housemates become accustomed to the new order in the House with Bruna Estivao (Angola) voted out on Sunday night and the mysterious whisking away of Gaetano Kagwa (Uganda), when they woke up to further drama.

On Monday morning, all the housemates were summoned to the lounge by Big Brother. The news of the dramatic swap of an African Big Brother housemate with that of one in the UK House was finally revealed to the remaining ten. A selection was made among the housemates and Sammi Bampoe (Ghana) was elected to welcome the new housemate.

Sammi proceeded to the diary room, where he graciously welcomed Cameron Stout to the Big Brother Africa House and introduced him to the rest of the House.

Mixed reactions ensued from the housemates. Some expressed shock and uncertainty, but all of them were curious about the new resident. “It was hectic. I mean jeez, Big Brother, maybe some warning next time,” exclaimed Abergail Plaaitjies during her diary session today.

The housemates quickly surrounded Cameron with numerous questions about the process of getting to South Africa and the secretive nature of Big Brother’s ploy. In his excitement and enthusiasm, Cameron did not hold back and responded to the hospitality expressed by his new friends.

In his first diary session with Big Brother today, Cameron expressed: “I find my new housemates very vibey, energetic and warm.” He also added that he was impressed with the decor of the Big Brother Africa House, “it’s much nicer than the House we have in the UK,” he said.

Cameron looked open and jovial, an extrovert by nature. He seemed to be fitting into his new surroundings with relative ease, but it was only the first day. There have been rumours that he is relatively conservative, but with a ferocious temper when provoked. With Gaetano having left, Abbey seems to have become quieter and Stefan has become more talkative.

One thing is certain, with the departure of Gaetano and the addition of Cameron into the House, the dynamics have definitely changed. Who knows what the weekend all-nighters will be like now...