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Tabloid News of Monday, 4 August 2003


Source: Daily Guide

"Shit Bombers" Were Paid ?10,000

The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service has opened fresh investigations into the dumping of human excrement (night soil) at the offices of the Crusading Guide newspaper in the year 2000. The Police Service has asked the Cantonments Police to furnish it with documents on the state of where investigations have reached.

The act, commonly referred to as ‘shit-bombing’ was perpetrated by some unidentified persons prior to the 2000 general elections.

When the Daily Guide newspaper contacted the Director of Police CID at the weekend, he confirmed the information. Sources told the Daily Guide that at least four persons who took part in the act are ready to confess. The paper says the urchins were paid ?10,000 each for the job. They were also induced with a lot of alcohol, particularly, ‘Akpeteshie’, a local gin after which they perpetuated the act.