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Entertainment of Monday, 17 October 2005


Source: Daily Guide

Suzzy Attracts Huge Crowd

A FEMALE MOURNER collapsed and others broke down, with tears, last Saturday, when thousands of mourners gathered at the St. Charles Lwanga Catholic Church, at Abeka, to pay their last respects to the late Suzzy Lebene Malike Williams 23, the sizzling Ghanaian actress, who died in a road accident in September. Saturday?s church and burial services were preceded by a wake-keeping at the premises of the Musician Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), on Friday, where people from all walks of life, filed past her remains, as a mark of respect.

She was laid on a 3-foot golden-plated iron bed stead, at 6.45pm, and even, there were no restrictions initially.

However, the Police had to step in to control the swarm of mourners, by asking them to form a queue to bring order, in the procession of people, filing past Suzzy?s body, laid in state.

Most of the mourners burst into uncontrollable tears, as soon as they saw the remains of their idol. Some of them could be heard saying, in Akan, ?Owuo sei a die? meaning, ?death spoils things? in view of the new look on her face. As they filed past the remains, some of the sympathisers commented that, the remains did not look like the Suzzy they knew, because her colour had changed. The mourners realised that, compared to what they used to see on screens, particularly ?Tentacles?, on Television, they were now looking at a puffed-up face, something which was a complete difference from the Suzzy, they knew. It obviously dawned on them that their idol had suffered a great deal of injury, during the freak accident that claimed her life, on Thursday, September 8, 2005.

Present at the wake-keeping, were Mrs Cecilia Dzikunu Williams, a sibling of Suzzy Williams, the father and other personalities, like Jojo Mills Robertson, and Kalsum Sinare, both members of the Ghana Actors Guild and others. The actors guild organised the wake-keeping programme, in collaboration with MUSIGA, and the Williams family.

Nana Kwame Ampadu, a former general secretary of MUSIGA, and leader of the erstwhile African Brothers Band, was also, present while Prince Osei Kofi, leader of the African Heroes Band, and a one-time musical apprentice of Nana Kwame Ampadu, led a team of MUSIGA members to perform songs, to entertain the gathering, amidst singing of dirges, as well. Saturday?s church and burial services, witnessed mourners, from both Ghana and Nigeria, who filled up the church auditorium, by 7.30am.

Those who turned up after 8.15am, had to sit outside.

A section of Ghanaian actors, like Eunice Banini, Samira Yakubu, Kalsume Sinare, were seen weeping, uncontrollably, after they had staged a farewell play in honour of the late Suzzy Williams.

Those who could not control their grief, were led outside the auditorium. After the burial mass, including the reading of her biography, and tributes, the body of the late Suzzy Lebene Malike Williams was finally conveyed to the Osu Cemetery, for interment.

Tears were shed as the coffin containing the remains of Suzzy, was lowered into the grave, with friends and family members standing by. Suzzy?s mother, Cecilia Dzikunu, could not contain the scene, and had to be led out of the cemetery.

Yesterday, a final mass, was held for her, after sympathisers moved to her Darkuman house for the final funeral rites. The late Suzzy?s step-dad told Daily Guide that, although the family is slightly relieved that Suzzy has been buried, the pain and anguish are still fresh.

He related that, he could not say anything yet, until the funeral is completely over, because, according to him, the pressure on the family, at this stage, is enormous.

The president of the Ghana Actors? Guild, Samuel Odoi-Mensah, observed that, the guild is disheartened, because of the untimely and painful loss of Suzzy. On whether the guild bore all the expenses involved in the funeral and burial, he disclosed, MUSIGA offered the grounds for the funeral as well its band. He added that, all other expenses were the responsibilities of the Actors? Guild. Reacting to an impending event at Afrikiko, in honour of the late Suzzy, he warned that, nobody should use the name of their organisation for such activities, without the consent of the executives, and accordingly, asked all actors to boycott the event.

The members of Actors Guild were supported by its counterparts, like Opah Williams, Obot Otuk and Frank Raja, among others, from Nigeria. Speaking on behalf of a few actors and actresses, Emmanuel Armah said, they feel much better, now that Suzzy has been laid to rest.

A section of members of the public, at the event, expressed their amazement at the level of support, including the swarm of mourners, the late Suzzy?s funeral attracted.