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Tabloid News of Monday, 27 March 2006


Source: P&P

Tema Kids Form Homosexual Club?

For sometime now some elderly residents of Tema Timber Market area, especially parents have expressed concern about the uncontrolled lifestyle of some of the children in the vicinity. These children did not only roam the streets and rode bicycles during school hours, but showed disrespect and even rained insults on elderly people who dared question them on their behaviour.

Due to this misbehavior on the part of the kids of the area, some concerned parents decided to put their eyes and ears down to investigate the cause of the truancy. Their findings during the investigations was what sent shock waves though the spines of not only residents of the Timber Market area, but the entire harbour city and its environs. It emerged that some of these kids whose ages ranges from between 5 ? 13 and in primary schools had virtually formed a club and had been meeting on a regular basis for the past one year.

The agenda during their meetings? The kids allegedly engaged in gambling using some form of rubber bands after which they engaged in a free for all homosexual acts.

Immediately after the gambling is over, each kid reportedly picked up his regular sexual partner and the game starts. P&P gathered that as the free for all sex game went on some of the kids were turned into security personnel and posted outside to monitor and ensure that no intruder disrupted them.

Indeed it was pathetic but shocking spectacle as some of the kids after the exposure broke down in tears and vividly described how their partners inserted their male organs into their anus and vice versa.What even shocked the sparse crowd at the scene was a revelation by a five-year-old boy that his partner sometimes inserted wood and other available materials into him. In an interview with P&P, some of the parents whose kids were in the ?homosexual club? expressed surprise at the sudden turn of events and how their children became involved in these abominable act.

According to a woman who pleaded anonymity, though she realised lately that the once out-going child had suddenly become withdrawn, she could not fathom any reason until the shocking revelation.