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Music of Thursday, 5 February 2004



The Jamming Prophet

Not many musicians are able to dance very well even to their own music but not Prophet Seth Frimpong of Me Huri So fame. He twists, turns and jumps to his music in a manner that makes it impossible not to notice him.

Apparently he is naturally a very good dancer who believes that, ?when you know how to do something very well it is always good to do it to the glory of God.? And that?s why he goes all out to dance his heart out when he is ministering to people through music.

He actually had plans of entering the National Dance competition in 1988 but could not materialize because he had his calling just around that time. ?You ain?t seen nothing yet,? is his message to his numerous fans who admire his dancing prowess.

Me Huri So, his latest and third album is doing extremely well (85,000 copies sold out in two months with more copies being made) to his own amazement, ?Wherever you go it is on the lips of people and I am very grateful to God for making it possible and using me to touch people.?

The catch with the song apart from its soul inspiring lyrics is the music video. Prophet Frimpong really boogies to the song as he ?jumps and catches? his glory, victory, and miracle, skipping all the negative things that one can think of like poverty and marital problems.

He insists that the song was not made with any particular group of people in mind but for the entire nation, ?anyone who believes and is ready to receive all the good things being talked about is free to do so.? Guess what? The song is played at some night clubs.

The ?jamming? prophet does not have any problem though with people associating it to themselves, after all the lyrics are full of positivity, something everyone would wish for.

Prophet Frimpong is probably the most at sought gospel artiste, making him very busy with engagements. Invitations are pilling on him for him either to share the word at one place or perform at the other, ?it has been very hectic and I thank God for giving me the strength to go through it all.?

He says he receives so many invitations that there are times some programmes clash, ?when they do, I tell those who come in late of my inability to honour theirs but some go ahead and advertise my name on the shows leaving a bad impression of me to fans.?

Wondering where he?s been throughout all these years? Prophet Frimpong says he waited on the Lord and this is his time. ?My prayer tower and I prayed and the Lord himself gave us this new song and that is why I believe it is doing very well.?

Ade a Nyame Aye his first album was released in 2000 with Enkosiaga following in 2002. Looking at how well his last year is doing, Prophet concludes that his albums gets better by the year.

Other songs on his latest album are Efiri Nyame, Wobere Ni, Ebesesa, Odo, Manu Meho and Ose Ayeyi.

Prophet Frimpong worships at the Gospel Centre Assemblies of God Church at Old Tafo, Kumasi. He is grateful to his senior pastors of his church and elsewhere who prayed for him and directed him this far.

Some of these are Prophet Anthony Addae, Rev. Twum Barima, Rev Osei Kwabena Donkor, Rev Paul Frimpong-Manso and Rev Kwabena Boakye.

Now 32 years, Prophet hopes to tie the knot with his sweet heart whom he calls Mama Lucy. Infact, Me Huri So is dedicated to her. Once he gets married, Prophet Frimpong hopes to have children quickly and prays for twins.

He comes from Antoa Akitibim in the Ashanti Region and is the fourth of 11 children, four of whom have passed away. Singing comes to him naturally, all his siblings sing though he is the only one who has gone professional. His mother Madam Sarah Addae sings Abibinwom in the Methodist Church.

If Prophet Seth Frimpong was not into ministry, he probably would have have been one of the best footballers Ghana ever had because he has great passion for soccer which says he plays very well.

A dish of fufu with good light soup is something Prophet will find quite difficult to say no to.

He has a message for fellow Ghanaians ?As we approach elections, lets us love and tolerate each other and live in peace, your political opponent is not your enemy,? he added that the same should be seen of soccer because it is only a game.

To his many fans, Prophet Frimpong says ?thank you all so very much, by God?s grace, you will not be disappoint with my subsequent album because I will release them as and when directed by him.?