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Rumor Mill of Wednesday, 7 July 2004


Source: [email protected]

Vicitimization Galore At Obuasi AngloGold Ashanti

The headlines of major financial news papers across the world screamed of happy tidings to come after the historic merger between Anglo Gold of South Africa and Ghana?s Ashanti Goldfields Company which gave birth to the world?s largest gold mining company under the new name of Anglo Gold Ashanti.

Some staff of the company at the Obuasi mines are not raising their glasses to say cheers in welcoming the new phase of gold exploration in the world which has brought two nations thousands of miles apart together since all is not well with them and the ?cause? of this is the merger.

Five persons at Obuasi have fallen victims to a witch hunting expedition set in motion by D.O (name withld) who is now the COO for Anglo Gold Ashanti Operations in West Africa.

In his new capacity D.O will preside over the group?s operations in Obuasi, Bibiani, Iduapriem all in Ghana, Siguiri in Guinea and the Freda Rebecca mines in Zimbabwe.

Wielding so much power now, and being the overlord of thousands of workers ranging from professional to labourers, the COO has started to harass, demote and sack people he has haboured dislike for over a long time now.

The crime of the five people who are made to curse the very day DO. rose to his enviable position is that, they have some time in the past knowingly or unknowingly extended a hand of friendship to his ex-wife whom he was then in the process of divorcing.

D.O?s marriage fell on rocks and he had to engage his wife in a legal tussle until an out of court settlement was agreed between them. He however settled her with a handsome package and he has since got married again.

During legal wranglings between D.O and his ex-wife, some workers of the then Ashanti Goldfields Company showed sympathy to the wife and children which did not go down well with the former, but alas, he then did not have the power to ?teach? whoever ?offends? him a lesson.

Many had thought that, D.O would have allowed matters to rest and continue with a new life now that the woman he does not love is out of his life and a progressive career with the world?s biggest gold miner is in place for him.

Other workers besides the five who are facing the wrath of their boss are reported to be taking cover to avoid the axe falling on their heads.

With the Ghanaian economy progressing at a snail pace and the cost of living so high, it virtually amounts to murder to sack someone form his or her job and deny him or her any source of income.

Besides his heart for revenge which he assumes the high office with, D.O also has that heart for favouratism with which he has used to secure lofty positions in the company for his cronies and close confidants.

Reports filtering in indicates that a former manager of the AGC?s Anyinam Lodge Hotel in Obuasi whose only name was given as Tony has been unilaterally appointed to serve as Farms Manager by D.O although he does not hold the educational requirement which would merit him that position.

What baffles the mind of workers is the fact that Tony is still to re-pay some monies he has been found guilty of embazzling when he was in charge of the Anyinam Lodge. No advertisement of the vacancy was made for interested and qualified persons either in or from out side the company to apply for the job. It is not exactly known what the relationship between D.O and Tony is but staff of the company hint that, they are very chose.

A quick guess however is that Tony and others who are benefiting from the ?kind? heartedness of the COO probably helped him to get rid of his former love one.