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Tabloid News of Monday, 9 January 2006


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Woman loses eye for jilting boyfriend

A twenty-five year old lost an eye and suffered severe burns when her boyfriend allegedly poured acid on her.

Her offense? Mary Cobbina, from Kissi, near Komenda in the Central Region said she refused to marry Kwame Agyei; her boyfriend of four months who she discovered was a drug addict.

Her refusal incensed him to ?punish? her; she told the Times at the Cape Coast Central Hospital where she is receiving treatment.

Explaining further her reason for declining his marriage proposal, Ms. Cobbina said Agyei also beats her up anytime she refused to yield to his sexual advances.

She said she realised later in their relationship that he was on drugs and ?also drinks heavily?.

?About two months ago he beat me up mercilessly leading to my admission at the health post at Kissi for three days and with all these signs, my parents advised against the relationship and subsequent marriage, she said.

On Tuesday, December 27, last year, Miss Cobbina said Agyei came to her parents? house at about 8:00 pm and offered her a bottle of malt but she refused to take it because she suspected that the drink might have been poisoned.

The victim said her refusal to take the drink infuriated Agyei so much that, he left the house and came back a few minutes later and poured acid on her.

She said her wailings attracted her parents and neighbors who rushed her to the hospital but Agyei fled the scene and has since not been seen in town.

The Senior Nursing Officer in charge of the female ward at the Cape Central Hospital, Theodora Amewu, confirmed that Miss Cobbina had lost one eye, as a result of the acid poured on her and may have to undergo plastic surgery after her wounds were healed.

As at Sunday when the Times contacted the Hospital, Miss Amewu said the patient was in a stable condition and that it would take about two months for her wounds to heal.

A source at Kissi police station also said Miss Cobbina?s family had reported the incident to them but they had not been able to arrest them