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Opinions of Sunday, 30 January 2022

Columnist: Isaac Ofori

10 years to come - The possible outlook of the teachings

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Teachers continue to complain mostly in this country and it seems these complaints continue to fall on deaf ears all the time. The basic school (including SHS) teacher stands a little or no chance at all of the either social or economic relief due to pressure on his or her salary. It's clear that Ghanaian teachers are underpaid and less motivated and their chances of actualising their hopes are always minimal.

The future even looks gloomy that's why I wrote this message to paint the clear picture of 10 years to come the very possible outlook of the teaching profession and the quality of life teachers should expect.
What I want every teacher to understand is that his or her destiny in the profession is tied to the economic outlook of Ghana as well the quality of governance in place. That's if the economic outlook is bad and the governance is also weak, then teachers will grapple with their salary, condition of service and vice versa.

With all things being equal, taking the current economic situation in place coupled with certain government decisions and policies, it is very easy to project into the future of teachers' condition of service in 10yrs to come. For this write-up, I would like to consider a teacher whose take-home pay is ¢2000 (a principal superintendent).

With our 10 years projection, considering a yearly increment of 10% (within favourable government decision), the salary of the Principal Superintendent teacher should be increased by 100% and that will give you ¢4000 take-home pay in the year 2032.
Let's assume that prices of goods and services by 2032 will shoot up to 80% (at least and moderately). Let's take the price of cement now, it's ¢52. At 80% increment, the same cement will be sold at ¢94 in 2032.

Remember, some goods are likely to shoot up to 100% or more by then and this will not change anything in the life of any teacher including his or her savings and investment. The worst encounter is when governance within these projected 10yrs becomes worst with crippling and harsh policies and that could sink the teachers' condition of service further despite going home with ¢4000 as a principal superintendent.
More importantly, too, the credit rate by then would have shot up to some nuisance level and loan assessment could be more excruciating in the year 2032. Thus the standard of living would increase to some 80% or more some 10 years to come and ¢4000 take home cannot be the possible answer to a better life and quality living.

My question to every teacher reading this is that 'how do you plan the future to offset any form of possible economic downturn'. Looking at the current state of the profession and the way and manner the government is handling things, there is every indication that the future of the profession, if it should remain the same, will not be appropriate for a better quality of life. Many teachers could become poorer and desperate for survival in society and this could shut their dreams and hopes forever.

If you want to continue as a teacher, then you must be prepared for a more concrete decision today and not tomorrow. You must be ready to create other sustainable avenues of generating additional income because the profession's future is gloomy as projected in the rough economic analysis. Better still, every teacher can consider building an additional career with a piece of different knowledge and skill to enable him or her to take another job that is more payable than teaching and can help you fulfil your aspirations in life.