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Opinions of Sunday, 5 June 2016

Columnist: Avornyo, Bright Selasie Yao

15 years championing the rights of the vulnerable

Hurray! To God be the glory. It has been 15 years of touching lives especially that of the vulnerable women and children in Ghana through numerous advocacy and support programmes by Hope for Future Generations (HFFG), a local NGO.
From a humble but solid beginning in June 2001, HFFG with support from Ghana AIDS Commission under the GAR-fund and Hope for African Children Initiative, and Plan Ghana, rolled out her first intervention programme in the areas of HIV prevention and readily assisting vulnerable women and children in the Central Region in various forms.

The fledgling NGO soon graduated to rolling out wider intervention programmes in the arears of Maternal and Child Health, HIV and AIDS and STI Prevention, Psychological Support for People Living with HIV and OVC, Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, TB and Malaria Preventions and Control among others.
The 15th anniversary of HFFG, which was officially launched by the Director General, Ghana AIDS Commission, Dr. Angela El-Adas, in Accra was under the theme “15 years of Championing Equal Opportunities for Women and Children through Sustainable Partnerships.”
The Executive Director of HFFG, Cecilia Lodonu Senoo, disclosed that HFFG was established to champion equal right opportunities for the vulnerable in the society due to available evidence which suggests that women and children including persons living with disability, and the aged continue to suffer various disadvantages.

According to Madam Cecilia, HFFG has touched the lives of women and children in over six hundred communities across the country.

As regards the March 2016 Ghana Poverty and Inequality Report, Madam Cicilia lamented that although Ghana has witnessed per capita growth over the years, inequality has been on the rise and children being the most affected by poverty.

HFFG is therefore calling on the Government and policy makers to continually prioritise the development of women and children as they partner result oriented civil society groups and HFFG for holistic development of all and sundry.
The Director General of the Ghana AIDS Commission, Dr Angela El Adas, who was the guest speaker for the occasion congratulated HFFG on efforts made at positively affecting the lives of the vulnerable women and children in all the ten regions of the country.
Dr El Adas added that under the USAID, SHARP, SHARPER and LINKAGES Projects, HFFG has contributed immensely to strengthening support groups of Persons Living with HIV through access to comprehensive friendly HIV and AIDS services.
There were solidarity messages from Plan International Ghana, SWAA Ghana, Coalition of NGOs in Health, GA
The glamourous launch amidst cultural performances saw the commissioning of the benevolent NGO’s Head Office at Dzorwulu in the Greater Accra Region.
Behind the numerous successes chalked by HFFG, the Ghana AIDS Commission, Ghana Health Service, and The Dutch Embassy have been behind. Other sponsors are the French Embassy, UKaid, SIMAVI of the Netherlands, WHO, and ADRA. The rest are USAID, Plan Ghana, NTP, Ipas Ghana, UNICEF and UNFPA among others