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Opinions of Sunday, 31 December 2017

Columnist: Patrick Kwarteng Sarpong

$2.25billion bond: A bruised Minority, a drain on our coffers

Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta

Enfeebled by the soothing outflows of the contents of the CHRAJ report which heartily and loudly exonerate the Minister of Finance Ken Ofori-Atta over alleged infractions and breaches of the law in relation to the $2.25 billion bond the country subscribed, the Minority members have decided to concentre on an angle that cannot be located in the report, ostensibly to create a ghost from nothingness.

One doesn't need to possess any extrasensory or paranormal gift to decipher the fact that the NDC sees Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia and Ken Ofori-Atta as the symbols of their destruction, and would not hesitate to throw mud at the two giants just to stain their unblemished features.

It is therefore not strange that they would walk to great lengths in their effortful attempts to demonize the two gentlemen. To achieve that, they sent one of their attack dogs, Brogya Gyamfi, to petition CHRAJ to inquire into how the $2.25 billion bond was issued, while others petitioned the Securities and Exchange Commission of the U.S to help establish a wrongdoing in the whole transaction which involved Franklin Templeton.

Months after these efforts, the petition to the SEC has yielded no fruits, and so they banked all their hopes on CHRAJ. CHRAJ has shattered their dreams.

Panting for breath, they are seeking to rely on a portion CHRAJ momentarily spoke to in order to create the misconception that indeed there was a meaty substance in there. CHRAJ indicated that Ken Ofori-Atta's involvement with Databank could cause a conflict of interest situation but concluded that there is no evidence, covertly or overtly that points to the fact that indeed there was any conflict of interest. Impliedly, the petition has been deemed by CHRAJ as frivolous, unmeritorious as much as it is whimsical.

The Minority claims the inference drawn from that negligible portion found in the report gives credence to their assertion that something untoward transpired, and that they are vindicated. It is upon this that they are asking for Ken Ofori-Atta to resign or be retrenched.

The Haruna Iddrisu-led Minority is a pale shadow of a minority in these times. Their lamentations have always been way off base. They are tactically inept. Their shallow-mindedness is mind-boggling.

How they interpret this portion of the report as a vindication of their position beats one's imagination. One is tempted to believe that they are challenged when it comes to comprehension.

It is problematic having a minority bereft of the technical know-how ideal for Parliamentary work, but it is far more tragic having them as a composition of people who suffer from logical reasoning.

The Minority has staged 318 press conferences and almost all of the topics have had little to no impact whatsoever on our governance structure since the topics are largely borne out of tendentious agenda to sully the image of the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia administration.

These half-baked and shallow boxing antics from the Minority ought to be nipped in the bud as a new year lurks around the corner.

Melodrama used to hold sway in the years gone by, but the passage of time has suffocated the positive effects which poured out of vile propaganda. Discernment has taken control of the masses so they cannot be cajoled into embracing any unwholesome product. The Minority is a waste on our finances. They ought to know that shouting cacophonously is not the reason behind the salaries paid to them.