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Opinions of Saturday, 27 December 2008

Columnist: Eyiah, Joe Kingsley

2nd Round of Presidential Election: “Thy Kingdom Come”

By Joe Kingsley Eyiah, Toronto-Canada

We are very thankful to God Almighty for seeing Ghana through a very peaceful election on December 7. As providence would have it the need has arisen for a second round voting for the presidential candidates of the two most glamorous parties of our motherland, Nana Akufo Addo of the ruling National Patriotic Party (NPP) and Prof. John Atta Mills of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC).

We prayed to the Lord of the Sabbath on His Holy Day that December 6 and voted the following day and all was peaceful. Let’s do the same on this coming Sabbath for as it was in the beginning so shall it be!

From far away Canada, I have personally being following with concern the accusations, counter-accusations, lies, threats, and the divisive attitude being used by the two major political parties in Ghana to win votes for their presidential candidates. Are politicians not the same everywhere? Don’t they promise the electorate heaven whereas they cannot give them even the moon? Is one politician better than the other when it comes to promises? Well, by their deeds we shall know them! I will be dreaming if I strongly argue for someone I do not know very well as the best to rule Ghana. However, for one thing I know: that God knows best and when He sets someone a king no person or group of persons can go against His will. So may His will be done in Ghana’s Presidential election come December 28!

No amount of rumour-mongering, fear-mongering, character-assassination, intimidation and fault-finding can change God’s will for Ghana.

However, God always works His will through people. Ghanaians ought to be humble but vigilant in the forthcoming elections trusting God to lead the way to peaceful election. I therefore add my voice to that of Bishop Heward-Mills urging Ghanaians to put their trust in God only and not in politicians, saying that “politicians have a short term to rule and could do nothing much but God was always there to provide solutions to man's problems.”

Truly, God hates pride and arrogance, a lying tongue, murder, wickedness, mischief, false witnessing and people who sow discord as underscored by Bishop Heward-Mills

We need rulers who will bring us peace. Rulers the world over are failing us in that direction. There is only one ruler who can be trusted with PEACE and we pray: “Thy Kingdom Come” And He is coming SOON. Let’s join His party now. May Ghanaians be led by the spirit of God to elect the best President for our motherland Ghana this Sunday. GOD BLESS OUR HOMELAND GHANA! Peace and Love.