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Opinions of Wednesday, 18 January 2017


3 major reasons women wear high heels

Heels Heels

An outfit is never complete without heels they say. Women understand that looking good is great business and so spending that ridiculous amount on money on a pair of heels might sound bad in hearing but is really good investment.

Most men can't process why a woman goes through the pain of balancing and walking gracefully in that 6-inch heels but guess what? Study shows that they (men) adore a woman in heels.

For the curious minds, ladies are not just wearing heels to suffer, here are three major reasons why they do it.

Heels draw attention
Naturally, women love attention. It's why they invest so much in their looks and also because looking good adds to your confidence and makes anyone feel good about themselves. Wearing the perfect pair of heels can turn heads and also upgrade any look that needs a quick fix. It is important to note that men love women in heels, its tied to their masculine instinct, so the next time you are heading out, wear the killer heels.

Heels add height
Every short girl understands that the invention of heels was answer to their long term prayer of adding height. Heels not only make you appear tall, it present a good posture and balance that is very attractive. No wonder a pair of Louboutin cost so much!

Heels help to be more persuasive and appear more feminine
The brain of the male specie is a special thing. According to a study, a larger percentage of men listen attentively to women on heels. Ty it for your next business meeting, rock that killer dress and finish it off with a gorgeous pair of heels!