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Opinions of Monday, 22 June 2020


30 things customer feedback can do for your business

Customer file photo Customer file photo

It is now widely known that all successful businesses/organisations reach out to their customers and get their views on a range of issues. Customer feedback
offers benefits both for the business and for the customers.

It is surprising that some businesses attach very little relevance to customers’ feedback. If you are contemplating on making feedback a key part of your business operations, or you have not considered customer feedback as essential, this list of 30 benefits of customer feedback can help you to decide.

1. It helps you to track and monitor progress

2. It helps you to understand how satisfied customers are about your
products and services.

3. It shows you the areas in your services that need improvement

4. It allows customers to express their feelings. Customers love that.

5. It’s a great tool to identify training needs within your team.

6. It supports managers to make better decisions

7. It demonstrates to customers that you care about their views.

8. Positive feedback can be a confidence booster for team members.

9. It helps you to identify investment needs in your customer service

10. It offers the opportunity for you to directly speak with customers about
their experience when you respond to their feedback.

11. Serves as a platform for customers to appreciate your team members.

12. It can prevent customers from complaining in public or social media.

13. It helps to improve customer overall experience

14. It helps to keep your team motivated

15. It empowers you to understand the changing customer needs and what
drives them.

16. It shows you the areas in your services where you are doing great.

17. It helps to improve customer retention.

18. It helps to improve operational efficiency.

19. It enables you to know if customers will recommend your products or

20. It allows you to make decisions with confidence.

21. It serves as a performance tracker for your team members

22. It serves as a marketing tool to attract clients.

23. It helps you to streamline your offers to specific customer needs

24. It helps to increase sales

25. It helps to reduce cost

26. It gives overall clarity to customer service managers and directors.

27. It helps to improve your products and services on a continual basis.

28. It helps to improve customer satisfaction.

29. It helps to improve your business processes.

30. It gives you a strong foundation for strategic decisions making.

You should not disregard customers’ feedback if you want to become or remain
successful. Start today to prioritize feedback.