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Opinions of Thursday, 17 December 2020

Columnist: Cecil Mensah

43,000 NPP supporters did not come to vote at Madina - Report

Alhaji Abubakar Saddique Boniface lost his seat to Francis Xavier Sosu of the NDC Alhaji Abubakar Saddique Boniface lost his seat to Francis Xavier Sosu of the NDC

It will not be too long for the constituents of Madina Constituency in the Greater Accra Region to start biting their fingers over choosing quality over just an opposition National Democratic Congress(NDC) parliamentary candidate.

The election report has it that apathy played a role in ensuring the party lost the Madina seat.

A total voter population of One hundred and fifty-two thousand, six hundred and sixty-one, several forty-three thousand NPP supporters on voter roll refused to come out and support the party at the polls.

The MP early on announced his decision to contest results of the polls in court and later rescinded his decision.

According to him, his decision was informed by the realization that his agents on the ground let him down.

The incumbent lost his seat to Francis Xavier Sosu of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) by a margin of over 15,000 votes.

Out of the 110,403 total votes cast, Francis Xavier secured 62,127 votes, defeating Boniface Saddique who had 46,785.

According to the elections diagnostic report, as many as forty-three thousand voters on the Madina Constituency electoral roll did not come out to vote on the day of elections.

The reason this large number of voters did not come to vote was because of the ‘Me Nya Twee’ syndrome to wit (I have not had anything for voting for the party).
The report further say because of these Madina decided to trade their quality MP and Minister of State at the office of the Vice-President, Mahamadu Bawumia, Alhaji Abubakar Saddique Boniface for the NDC‘s first-time legislator, Francis Xavier Sosu in the just- ended Parliamentary and Presidential elections.

Even though the elections were fraught with electoral fraud at certain polling stations, the MP decided to let go because as a peace champion, he must live above reproach.

The report further said the sitting MP lost the said elections as a result of external and internal factors in the run-up to the polls.

One week to an election there were ‘Abaye’ taskforce from the La-Nkwantanang Municipal Assembly chasing hawkers, petty traders, and property owners over market tolls and property rates.

This should not have been done but it was done at the full glare of the municipal authorities in the Constituency.

The issue of moles in the campaign team also played a role, where people who joined the campaign at Danfa, one of the peri-urban areas in the municipality campaigned for the His Excellency president Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and did not campaign for the MP.

Betrayal from the people of Zongo after all the projects that was made available to them in a little over three years under the stewardship of Alhaji Boniface.
Under his tenure areas like Washington had the construction of drains, Chicago had construction of drains to avert flooding in these areas, yet the people refused to show appreciation for the largess thrown at them.

Umar Bun Hatab(UBH) Islamic School got a twelve -unit classroom block after twelve years of vain promises from the then governing National Democratic Congress(NDC).
Multi-purpose Astroturf was constructed at Zongo, asphalt roads at Libya Quarters yet the people of Zongo decided to turn against the NPP on elections day.