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Opinions of Saturday, 1 September 2012

Columnist: Quaye, Stephen A.

45 New Constituencies For ”Walk Out” Or”Hear,Hear” Parliament?

By: Stephen A. Quaye.

Does the chairman of the Electoral Commission of Ghana [EC] Dr. Kwadwo Afari Djan, burns the fat one?
As for the fire, every politician in Ghana as well as eligible voter knows that he burns fire every least chance he gets. But for the fat one no one knows eh?
Seriously, looking at what is going on as far as preparations for the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections are concern, one may think he burns the fat one too eh?
No but how can he insist that no matter what the clergy says, traditional authorities cautions, politicians advices and the ordinary Ghanaian protests, he will go ahead with elections in his experimental 45 newly created constituencies.
Geez. Why will he go ahead in conducting parliamentary elections in those new constituencies? Does it mean that many constituencies are heavily populated?
Or some constituencies are big in land size and that the incumbent MPs are not able to perform their functions well as their representatives in the law making house therefore the need to divide certain constituencies?
These are hard pressed issues the EC chairman has to come out and explain to the whole nation to understand before creating those “HUHUDIOUS” new constituencies. Otherwise it could be better to say that he is resorting to gendarmerie style of lording it over all Ghanaians.
Once again, what are his facts and figures supporting the creation of the newly 45 constituencies? Has he drafted it in a proposal to the Supreme Court to have a look at it, debate it and approve it? Or he is just using his power as the chairman of the electoral commission to experiment something?
It is funny how just with about three months to go into yet another peaceful election; politicians and social commentators are heckling the man in the front seat who is charged to ensure that everything goes on smoothly so that peace will prevail before, during and after the selection of the president and the law makers.
Honestly, if one study how elections are conducted in Europe, America and Canada, compare and contrast it with what is going on currently in Ghana, one can say there is a vast difference.
During the last election between President Barack Obama and Senator John McCain, an eligible voter raised a concern about his vote for Obama wrongly going to John McCain and gave strong evidence to support his complaint.
Quickly investigation was conducted and it came out that there was a fault some where which was going to misdirect all Obama votes at that particular voting centre to John McCain. The corrections were made and everything went on smoothly.
Why that the EC wants to experiment a programme by creating more constituencies to the disapproval of many stake holders and it won’t change the time to properly structure the programme so that all will accept it next time?
Already tension has started to build up as some people are predicting chaos ahead or after the elections. Some powerful men of God have started moving the populace to seek the face of the Lord to ensure the elections come off peaceful.
But do you think God will listen to prayers for peaceful elections if certain issues and practices that can trigger chaos are not avoided by our own selves for God to bring peace.
Going ahead to conduct elections in 45 newly created constituencies three months from now is so premature and ridiculous that the only advice all have to give to the EC chairman is,” Kwadwo stop burning the fire and sit up. Push that decision to the next election after you have held many public forums and gathered more ideas as to how to successfully do it”.
Otherwise, the best way is to blaze his ass by organizing demonstrations to petition against that decision. Placing injunction on it whiles we seek direction from the Supreme Court.
Since the opposition parties are kicking against holding elections in those 45 constituencies, there is the tendency that there would be confusion in the country if the EC goes ahead with it.
Let the demonstrations kick start. Let the petitions flow. Let the legal brains as well as the peace maker’s start doing their work to ensure that the proper thing is done for God’s peace to be at hand too.
Left to some of us the EC chairman should listen and rescind his decision because it will make the country ungovernable especially where one party wins the presidential but majority of the seats in parliament goes to another party.
Or one party wins both the presidential and majority in parliament what will happen? All that you will hear in parliament is “walk outs” or “hear, hear” rubber stamp parliament.
Though Ghanaians are still praying, the right thing must also be done in order for total peace to prevail..
Let the demonstrations start whiles the petitions flow.