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Opinions of Saturday, 3 November 2012

Columnist: Agyemang, Katakyie Kwame Opoku

50 out of 822 Lies of the NDC Government

50 out of 822 Lies of the Mahama-Amissah-Arthur NDC Government –

Compiled by Katakyie Kwame Opoku Agyemang

As Ghanaians prepare to elect their leader on December 7, 2012, I present to readers 50 of the 822 promises made by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) prior to the 2008 general elections. Kindly read and make your own judgment about the Caretaker president, John Mahama and his party as he lies to you again.

1. They NDC promised to reduce fuel prices drastically – a gallon of petrol has increased from GHC3.60 a gallon in 2008 to GHC8.0, showing a drastic increase in price in the last 4 years.
2. The NDC promised to make Ghanaians pay one-time premium for the NHIS – The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) has collapsed as the one-time premium has given way to “Capitation” and Cash and Carry system.
3. The NDC promised to give 40% of ministerial appointments to women – Only 11% appointments has been made so far and the maltreatment of Nana Konadu Agyemang and other female journalists are clear examples. NDC has only 4 female MPs as against NPP’s 14.
4. The NDC will build 200,000 houses within 5yrs through the STX Korea deal and 30,000 of the houses would be given to the security officers – STX Korea deal is dead and the government of Ghana was forced to pay over $260m abrogation cost.
5. They promised to put money in your pockets – in the end there have been astronomical increases in utility tariffs (electricity, water, gas) and school fees. Poverty is on the increase and the number of strike actions and demonstrations tell it all.
6. The NDC promised to cut down waste and profligate spending – The NDC purchased 5 military aircrafts at a cost of $250m. Another GHC48,000 had been spent on Kwame Nkrumah’s birthday, and GHC858m on judgment debts, including Woyome’s GHC51m. The NDC is building a $20m party headquarters in Accra. John Mahama’s salary is now GHC 12,000 per month excluding other allownaces.
7. The NDC promised to build a factory in each district in Ghana– Where can we find the factories? Instead, John Mahama is buying bulldozers to kill flies. Over 300 factories were sold by the P/NDC government.
8. The NDC vowed to force all their appointees to declare their assets within 6 months into office – however, none of the appointees has declared any asset since 2009.
9. The NDC promised to set up a truly non-partisan and competent commission on the murders of Ya Na and Issah Mobila, and prosecute the killers – There is no evidence for prosecution according to Kofi Adams.
10. The NDC promised to stop the appointment of MPs and Ministers to positions of Chairman of Public Sector Companies to avoid intrusion of the party - Board Chairman of GETFund is Kwabena Adjei (NDC Chairman), Board Chairman of Road Fund - Joe Gidisu (MP and Minister of Roads and Highways), Board Chairman of NHIS, Doe Adjaho (MP and 1st Dep. Speaker of Parliament). Board Chairman of Ghana Civil Aviation, Alban S.K. Bagbin (MP and Minister of Health).
11. The NDC promised to clear all filth in the cities within 100 days – Cholera outbreak is the order of the day. Ghana is ranked the 2nd dirtiest country in West Africa.
12. The NDC promised to improve the country’s education at all levels – the BECE has recorded worst results since 2009. Only tea cups embossed with the president’s portrait have been given to these pupils. John Mahama is asking for more years to do that.
13. The NDC promised to build 2 universities in Volta and Brong-Ahafo Regions in the “Action Year” (2011) – The construction sites have now turned into zoological gardens. The School of Forestry in Sunyani and the Nurses’ Training College are being converted into Universities instead.
14. The NDC promised to eliminate all schools under trees – In spite of the oil revenue; several schools are still under trees. According to 2011 Budget Statement, only 175 ‘schools under tress’ had been eliminated but the NDC claims to have built 1,700. The NDC has failed to publish the said schools after persistent appeals by concerned citizens.
15. The NDC promised to provide all basic school pupils with school uniforms - for nearly 4 yrs only 20% of the pupils have received the free school uniforms after all the noise about the distribution.
16. The NDC promised to expand the school feeding programme to cover all basic schools – that did not happen as some schools in NPP strongholds were removed from the programme whilst those in the NDC strongholds have been included.
17. The NDC promised to make armed robbery a thing of the past – Social vices are on the increase. Police officers are being killed by armed robbers.
18. The NDC promised to provide meaningful jobs to the Ghanaian youth – For the first time in the history of Ghana, there is an Association of Unemployed Graduates, and Elvis Afriyie Ankrah, a Dep. Minister of Local Government calls them lazy people and sees them as an evil group.
19. The NDC promised to generate funds internally and not rely on IMF, World Bank or foreign loans – Surprisingly, Mills-Mahama NDC government has secured over GHC18bn loan abroad. Another $3bn from China is in the pipeline. According to Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Ghana’s debt stands at GHC25.3m as at 2011.
20. The NDC promised to bridge the poverty gap between the north and the south – Poverty between the north and the south is widening.
21. The NDC promised to put GHC200m into the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) every year – In the 2011 Budget Statement, only GHC8m was voted into it. SADA has come to a standstill.
22. The NDC promised to build the Eastern and Western corridor infrastructure – That was a camouflage as this project keeps finding itself in the Budget Statements every year.
23. The NDC promised to prosecute all corrupt ministers and appointees without asking for evidence – What happened to “Kyinkyinka” Muntaka (pampers), Mahama Ayarega (tractors), Carl Wilson (imported vehicles), and Asiedu Nketia (block making)? Why are Mills’ appointees committing gargantuan crimes against the state? Why did Mills sack his former Attorney-General, Hon. Martin Amidu?
24. The late NDC leader promised to be a father of all Ghanaians – Selective justice has replaced the “father for all mantra”. Why did Mills direct his DCEs/MDCEs to open their doors for only NDC members and sympathizers? Why arrest Hon. Ken Agyepong and leave Nii Lamptey Vanderpuije?
25. The NDC promised to do away with politics of vendetta – Why did the president order his appointees, especially Victor Smith, to seize vehicles and offices belonging to his political opponents? What has happened to ex-president Kufuor’s End of Service Benefits? Why did the Mills-Mahama government file 13 high profile court cases against his political opponents and lost them all?
26. The NDC promised to turn the Golden Jubilee House into a poultry farm - Why is the place being occupied by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the current vice president?
27. The NDC promised to abrogate the Ghana Telecom sale to Vodafone – What are you waiting for, Mr. President? Vodafone is the leading mobile network in Ghana today.
28. The NDC promised to probe the Ghana @ 50 celebrations and prosecute all those who misappropriated and misapplied public funds – What came out of the reports by the 23 Commissions of Enquiry set up by the president?
29. The NDC promised to modernize agriculture – Agriculture has seen a consistent decline in growth since 2009. Post harvest losses are high. How many of the existing agricultural problems have been solved by the current administration?
30. The NDC promised to cut down rice importation by 50% - Rice importation has increased from $400m to $700m annually. The price of a bag of rice sold at GH48 is now GHC75.
31. The NDC promised to build airports in Cape Coast and Tamale and also build the Kotokoraba market – We are still waiting for these projects to start.
32. The NDC promised to improve infrastructure in the country – the late President had to bow his head down in shame when he passed through some of the roads. Is the Sofoline interchange in Kumasi part of the infrastructure?
33. The NDC promised to expand all social interventions introduced by my predecessor – most of the interventions, e.g. NHIS and free maternal care have collapsed and now maternal mortality is on the increase.
34. The NDC promised that their leader would never be a globe-trotter like Kufuor – By the help of the Presidential Jet, John Mahama has travelled around the globe more than any Ghanaian leader. As for the travels made by the late president, the least said about him, the better. He went to Japan, made a u-turn for the Population Census and disappeared the following day. Similarly, he left for the US for 6 weeks, returned to Ghana for 3 days and went back to the US under the pretence of meeting investors during the Christmas period, not knowing he was seeking medical attention.
35. The NDC promised to make full investigations into the serial killings of women that occurred between 1999 and 2000 – We are still waiting.
36. The NDC promised to do away with the introduction new taxes – however, several new taxes, including Akpetshie, airport, and environmental taxes have been introduced.
37. The NDC promised to wage war against narcotics trade – Cocaine turns into soda under the NDC government. On September 25, the UK Border Force seized about 7.5 kilos of cocaine valued at 750,000 at Heathrow. Another 1.5 metric tonnes of cannabis (wee) valued at £4.3m was seized in the same week and it was described as the biggest haul in three years.
38. The NDC promised to ensure free, fair, and peaceful elections – the Biometric Voters’ Registration exercise turned into violence. What happened at Akwatia, Chereponi, and Atiwa during the by-elections?
39. The NDC under Mills promised to burn Ghana like Kenya if the elections go the other way – Fire outbreaks, mining disasters; floods have characterized Mahama-Amissah-Arthur administration.
40. The NDC promised to ensure a level playing field for the 2012 elections – Today some police officers are registering foreigners in Togo, the EC has been registering NDC members in Ghanaian embassies.
41. The NDC promised to strengthen all state institutions - CHRAJ, EOCO, EC, PURC, GSS etc. – It took more than 2 years before the Population and Housing Census figures were released. Ghana Statistical Service has been cooking inflation figures for the NDC government. Kwabena Adjei, NDC Chairman threatened to ‘kill the cat’, and 2 members of the EC have been alleged to have taken bribes.
42. The NDC promised to promote freedom of speech - This has been substituted with “causing fear and panic”. Nana Darkwah, Amina, and Hon. Ken Agyapong can tell you more about that.
43. The NDC promised to pay professional allowance to all professional teachers – In the end teachers who embarked on demonstration were sprayed with hot water. Others were stripped naked in front of their school children in Bawku.
44. The NDC promised to form a government on expertise and competence, not on party or family interests - Who are the 'bootlickers', 'greedy bastards', and the 'Team B' ministers? Why did the president sack Dr. Nsiah Asare and Prof. Kwabena Frimpong Boateng of KATH and Cardio-thoracic centre respectively?
45. The NDC’s leader swore, and urged Ghanaians to try him and see. He promised not to disappoint Ghanaians because he was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth – in the end mansions were built by President Mills through Regimanuel Estate but his Director of Communications described them as “token”.
46. The NDC’s leader said he was a better man for a BETTER GHANA – yet the party’s founder, J.J. Rawlings referred to Mills as “Konongo Kaya” and “Mortuaryman” as a result of his incompetence.
47. The NDC promised to give 10% of oil revenue to the people of Western Region – this promise was not fulfilled.
48. The late Mills promised to consult Rawlings 24 hours a day – Before his death, he was not on talking terms with former President Rawlings. The General Secretary of the NDC, John Asiedu Nketia has made the founder of the party a “barking dog”.
49. The NDC promised to heal wounds and unite the nation – the nation is polarized as the NDC continues to play the tribal card. The one-sided appointment in the current administration is there for everyone to see. The NDC has even failed to unite itself as a party.
50. The NDC promised that there would be no NPP Ghana or NDC Ghana – Ghana is seriously divided between NDC and NPP. Politics of ideas has given way to politics of insults.

Fellow Ghanaians, today the NDC under John Mahama is making similar promises with the view to retaining power. Do you trust this party that has ruled Ghana for 23 years – 11 years for P/NDC, and 12 years for NDC? What is the NDC’s legacy? Why don’t you join us in kicking this hypocritical, arrogant, deceitful, violent, and incompetent party out of power on December 7?
Let’s vote for Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and all the NPP Parliamentary Aspirants in the upcoming elections. The Free SHS policy, the Teacher First policy, the Inner-city Development policy, the Housing, Economic, Industrial, and Health policies are all doable.
God bless Ghana! God bless the NPP!!! God bless Kufuor!!!

Katakyie Kwame Opoku Agyemang, Enfield. UK.
A native of Asante Bekwai
Official blog ( [email protected] 07577626433
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