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Opinions of Thursday, 17 October 2013

Columnist: Akpah, Prince

A Day Spent At Ecamp Africa Conference

Part One.

Another inspirational and lots of resolutions day was spent at University of

Ghana when the CEOs talk organised their first edition of this

conference Ecamp Africa attended by young aspiring entrepreneurs and

leaders. Speakers were Jeremiah Buabeng, John Armah, Fred Mawuli

Deegbe,Godwin Martey , Samuel Tinagyei, Marian Yabe, Barbara Swatt,


Kevin Live, S.K Osei and hosted by Chris Orlando. Enjoy the piece and be


Commencing with introductions by participants, it became

clear we all came to be inspired by these young speakers to start our

own business startups and network as well.

First to speak was the 25

year old CEO of Jeremiah Buabeng and Associates, who has also being the

brain child of the Accra Youth Summit, Jeremiah Buabeng. Beginning he

asked few questions on the strategic plans that we have but not much

people confessed having it. He further went on to ask how many have

written theirs which is a sign of a step ahead of knowing your plan.

But if you write your plan down but end up throwing it away you are just

as the person that hasn't written it down. Speaking on the theme:


made strategic examples of Kofi Annan who in 1980 when he took at job at

the UN wrote a letter to her mum about becoming the Secretary General,

16 years down the line he made it to become the first black Secretary

General. Another example laid down is Ishmael Yamson who in a job

interview was asked where he wants to be 5 years to come answered that

in 20 years he wants to become the Chairman of the company, Unilever.

Within 20 years in the company he became the first black chairman of

Unilever Ghana. This was because they made a dream for their future and

made it happen. So applied to the speaker himself when in High School

his teachers and friends mocked his dreams at age 17 when he disclosed

to them that he wants to become a motivational speaker, few years down

the line he has had over 300 speaking engagements and 40 radio/tv

interview. Was it by chance? No it was their strategic planning and

thinking. Success is a matter of choice, strategic planning and

implementation. Which implies that no planning no possessing. The key to

possessing the future is to plan it. Strategic Thinking and Planning is

the process of discovering your vision or desired future and deducing

the process and strategies for achieving that desired future. He then

talked on 5 reasons why people don't plan their life.

First is WRONG

BELIEFS which describes when people are held back by their false

religious beliefs. Some people just conclude in their life based onto

the mentality that they are either destined to fail or succeed so they

just live to see what comes their way.

Secondly is WEAK DESIRE which

is one that explains why people don't have the passion for success. It

is just like nothing drives them. You need to drive your desire with

determinations. Third is WAILIM ATTITUDE. This is the always

complaining. The world would pity you for your failure but will never

pay for for your excuses. The fourth is WAITING SPIRIT. is when people

are waiting for help or a perfect condition. This most applies to young

people who wants to wait for the right time but if you wait you won't

succeed in life. So you need to plan. Last is the WANDERING SPIRIT which

is where people are not clear about what they want in life. Truly this

has confirmed that people who do not plan in life either have these

things as their excuses but as he said the world would pity your failure

but will never pay you for you for your excuses. His next topic was to

describe the kinds of people we have i the world. THREE KINDS OF PEOPLE

AND NATIONS. This was quite blur at first but after listening to him

into details which i would share with you i knew the kind of person i am

and the nation i belong to.

First is the BLIND, This are people who

do not have vision or direction for their lives, they follow the crowd.

They are people who don't have goals or ambitions in life. Another kind

of peoples and nations is the WEAK; This are people who have goals,

vision, destination but they board a wrong bus. They are unable to

discipline themselves to pursue their dreams. They also have vision

without fruition and dreams without results. If you can't make your

goals work in life then you are weak. The last kind of people are the

STRONG. This are people who have a clear vision for their lives, have an

effective strategy, have enormous discipline and deliberate choices.

Making examples of strong people he made revenue to Arnold

Schwarzennegar the Hollywood star who took a bold step to greatness

despite all the difficulties he has to go through from his country,

Austria to America. Discover your vision for the future. Next is the

THREE FOUNDATIONS OF SUCCESS. Still by Jeremiah Buabeng.

to be continued.

Thank You.

Akpah Prince

[email protected]