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Opinions of Sunday, 2 June 2013

Columnist: Akpah, Prince

A Day Spent at the Accra Youth Summit 2

A Day Spent at the African Youth Economic Forum part 2.

Speaking on wealth creation and entrepreneurship, Mr. Mensah entreated the delegates who are graduates to inculcate the entrepreneurship culture. We must also look within Africa and start our own Silicon Valley here. He also looked at some key issues affecting young people's culture of entrepreneurship such as; lack of investors into young peoples' ideas, high risk profile of the youths, no structured system for youths for loans or to write business plan and among others. With the presence of state officials around he seized the opportunity to outline some measures required to combat these problems. We need a strategic direction to support young entrepreneur, have entrepreneurship resource centres on various tertiary institutions to transform their project works into commercial values, we must also setup regional advisory centers where good and experienced pensioners can help young entrepreneurs with advice and we must have a strategic theme for tax break where government will reserve tax for people or organisations who support young entrepreneurs. He also advised us to make reference to our savings as our first source of funding for ideas then to families and friends before bank loans. As young entrepreneurs we must pay ourselves allowances as it is better than just taking any money Anyhow. He concluded by saying Be Charge as a Young Entrepreneur.

Also to talk to us was Mr. Charles Sam of Golden Future Promotions who congratulated the organisers and also expressed his dissatisfaction for the low attendance saying youths nowadays prefer other programs to the knowledge based programs. And also advocated for the sponsorship form organisations for young people's program since it is the way we can use to bring the development we need and the economic independence. He entreated us to use our time both on the media and social media to talk about things which would help all sundry. We also need show presence as new markets for companies.

He also made us know that the FUTURE

we have being seeing that will come oneday IS NOW. Our game must also change. There was a 20th Century Africa with special characteristics but now we are in the 21st century know as the global village. Which have made things done in the 20th century invalid in this current century. This must entreat us that; the game must change, the people must change, the skills must change and the approach must also change. To achieve this we must know of the essence of technology, speed, fluidity and the social media in making things change. It is time Africa stop living in past glory always referring to past achievements but focus on the success to be made in future. We as youths also need to reinvent ourselves because we are competing globally. He also took us through some characteristics of God being an entrepreneur Through His Image which are visionary, imaginative, a thinker, strategic planner, brilliant organiser, innovator and creator, implementer, initiator of things and a brilliant achiever.

He also shared a story of four young people from India who is also a third world country who brought together their saving of $250 each to set up an entrepreneurship venture which has now yielded up to $27 billion. As young people he said we must be the problem identifiers, problem researchers, solution providers, innovators, transformers, integrator of societies, nation builders and development funders. I couldn't just conclude but to agree with his own words that he does not do a soft talk but rather a hard talk and so it was.

Passing through speak to us were other influential young people such as Miss Leticia Browne of Ghana Angel Investors Network which was also a partner for the event and it was so inspiring from her spelling out the best ways young people must present themselves when seeking for funds or loans for their projects. Next was Steve Gyasi-kwawfrom Youth enhancement international and the Ghana Entrepreneuship Week sharing the success of him being an entrepreneur and pushing young people to the standard of being rated by the Forbes Magazine and invitations coming from SiliconValley.

Mr. Fred Deegbe Jnr. Who is a national youth achiever award recipient for fashion. He shared with us the passionate story of how he set up his shoe making company Heel the World and his bead company.

Just after the speeches we came down to the business of the day, where we were put into various committees such as technology, trade and investment, agribusiness, leadership and governance, entrepreneurship etc. being in the trade and investment committee, we discussed the challenges facing trade and investment in intra-Africa trade and suggested some solutions to it. After the committee sessions, the house converged again to go through all assertions by the various committees which was presented by representatives of the various committees. It was so inspiring as it assured me that the future of Africa is Bright with such brilliant ideas and suggestions from young Africans.

It was a great day thanks to the organizers especially the Chairman , Mr. John Armah for such an event.

Thank You.

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