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Opinions of Sunday, 17 March 2013

Columnist: Akpah, Prince

A Day Spent at the Accra Youth Summit

(part 1)

A day spent at the GNAT HALL on the 16th march, 2013 for the
maiden edition of the Accra Youth Summit was something worthwhile to tell you
about. Organised by a young prolific motivational speaker, Jeremiah Buabeng,
this was meant to create a platform for young people to lead the transformation
of Africa. Youthful speakers as they were, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, Joy Fm Host and
entrepreneur, Benard Avle, Citi Fm Host and operations manager, Maximus
Ametorgbor, MD, PopOut, Emmanuel Woyome, Career Coach, speaker and author, Nelson
Korkor, Lead Consultant @ Strategy & Strategy and Benard Kevin Clive,
author and speaker lead the participants to many resolutions to be made towards
the transformation of Africa. Let me share with you the golden things I picked
from this life transformation summit.
Opening speaker of the summit, Emmanuel Woyome, spoke on the
He made use of Abraham Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs, consisting of Physiological needs, Safety needs, love/belonging,
self-esteem and self-actualization. Of recent times people seem more content
with their physiological needs i.e. their shelter, food, sex etc consisting of
their basic needs of life. He challenged us to always, see that life goes
beyond working our self need. He spelt out the dimensions of a career to be.
1. Learning
2. Working and
3. Living.
For you to plan your career to become that person who is not working to be paid
but also enjoy what you do as a career. When you select a career the fits you
it will always be free of stress and depressions. Illustrations also from the
sayings of Dr. OTABBIL MENSAH even if he is tired, if you call him to preach
immediately a new strengths endows him, for David Oyedepo he works averagely 16
hours a day stress free. , it is simply because they do their work not because
they were forced by people to pursue them but it was a talent they discovered
in themselves and are making good use of them. In discovering your career path,
you must identify the following.
1. Self Discovery- discovering yourself based on your potentials is very
2. Knowledge of the world of work.
3. Knowledge of education-considering the options you have.
We all have natural strengths and weakness. Notice or identify them and work
towards their accomplishment.
You must also notice that everyone is a 'born' leader in some field of work. He
also made an illustration of fitting into a shape as a very good way to get you
fit and positioned into the best career. An acronym of the SHAPE as explained;
He also made notice of the follow:
1. Discover Yourself
2. Explore the world of work
3. Choose a career path
4. Deploy yourself into work
5. Evaluation and life-long learning.
NB: choose your career cased on your passion but not the money.
1. I must prioritize a talent in selecting what I want to do or become in
2. I must prioritize a fulfilling career which I have the passion for to a well
paid one.
3. My career choice must affect people positively.
I did really learn a lot to tell later.
Guess what after the summit I had him autograph his book that I bought and also
advised me on mine Choice of future fulfillment and career.

The second speaker on the bill was Nelson Korkor, a young person with a long
profile and experience continued with the theme: DEVELOPING YOUR CAREER PLAN AND

Accra Youth Summit…….Leading Africa’s Transformatiom.
Visit my blog for more.