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Opinions of Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Columnist: Akpah, Prince

A Day Spent at the Accra Youth Summit 3.

Continued from A Day Spent at the Accra Youth Summit 2.
Speaking.....Maximus Ametorgbor.
Social Media.
Sharing his thought about social media, he decided to take us through the 4 Cs that
explains the main use of it.
1. Content Sharing.
2. Communication
3. Commerce
Community Building-a personal experience about the community building
was when my school's old student association (sposa) was able to use
Facebook to request for funds to establish a project in the school, St.
Paul's SHS, Denu.
Excepts from his session seems that he really loves
using letters to explains what he talks about, because he also fed us
with the 10 B's of content Broadcasting which highlights the roles of
social media has being playing. 1. Boast
2. Bait
3. Bash
4. Blend
5. Bless
6. Battle
7. Brandish
8. Balance
9. Buy
10. Broach
Some facts about various social media platforms with us the participants.
1. Has over 955 million users.
2. 81% Of users are outside the US & Canada.
3. Has produced 100 billion friendships.
4. Has become the 3rd country in the world based on patronage by over 955 million
5. Over 1,522,760 Ghanaian are Facebook users.
In 2011 YouTube had 1 trillion views
Sharing the reason why we need to make use of the presence of social media, he
1. It tends to improve our communication skills.
2. Helps you to adapt to changes.
3. Help you to learn how to converse/share.
Do you know how to leverage technology and social media?
1. Learn the rules of online engagement.
2. Venture into new fields and interact.
3. Expand your horizon and knowledge.
4. Reach out to the online network of chosen career.
5. Adopt the right social media platforms.
6. Grow your social network offline and online.
7. Enrich your network.
1. For a career success, i must avoid jobs that will experience shifting paradigms.
2. I can also lead the change to be one of these innovators who have change the
world with technology and social media
3. Use the right social media for career success.
4. I can share my CV on linkedin when seeking for a global job and many more.
courtesy: Maximum Ametorgbor.

called on to speak was the summit host, Jeremiah Buabeng challenging us
with the theme The Power of Relevance. The reason why the world need
me, the reason why i must be that person to bring the change the world
needs, made me the more motivated that surely i will be leading Africa's
The relevance in me was highlighted to have three characteristics
1. Significant.
2. Beneficial.
3. Useful.
With these i tell you i became poised to become the world's most influential person
and also the standard for comparisons.
My surprise package for you is just about to be delivered; yes i am relevant and
The world won't do without me.
Your key to becoming relevant just requires you to discover you gift, develop it and
Lessons Learnt
1. The world needs me.
2. I am the change igniting device to become.
TO BE speaker on the bill was joy Fm's host Kojo Oppong