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Opinions of Monday, 22 July 2013

Columnist: Akpah Prince

A Day Spent at the Graduate Corporate Connect

part 1.

Hello reader, welcome yet to another edition of my series of sharing with you how resourcefully I spend my day. 20th of July was another that most people who had the opportunity to be at the Graduate Corporate Connect would never regret having a date with the LEC foundation for this conference. Speakers who made it to the event were Dr. Geneva of Barclays Bank, Mr. Asante from Newmont Ghana, Mr. Essel from Graphics Group Ghana , Ms. Enam from GEBSS, Mr. Obafemi from Tigo and Mr. Avle from Citi Fm.

My Story: Having becoming a fan of motivational summits and workshops, even within a short notice, I was much early to arrive their at about 7;00 am even it was supposed to start at 8;00 am. I am not bragging about my time, but with all my lessons from previous encounters, Time is an element that contributes to people’s success. That was the inspiration that has ignited the passion in me to host Ghana’s first National Students Leadership Summit for students in pre-ternary institutions come 26th of September, 2013 by Children’s Republic. Prepared also to buy books, I pick the book, ‘The Lost Laws of Success’ by Dr. Geneva Masau and rewarded with a free copy of her book, Manna, our God is still in the business. Reading great people’s book challenges me a lot and serves an inspiration to write my own books too, from What Do You Know about Drug Abuse?, Determine To Conquer, Leadership, Inheritance Of The Future Leaders and still counting..

The conference dubbed Graduate Corporate Connect was themed Reducing Graduate Unemployment through Strategic Partnership and Positioning. It wouldn’t be fair if I don’t share the wonderful experience of this day with the world. Enjoy this piece and also help reduce Unemployment in Ghana and other parts of the world. Just before the conference started, we had aptitude test and also a career anchor assessment which was just like a magic to me, telling everyone where their career strengths lies courtesy, life coaching foundation by Dr. Geneva Masau, HR manager of Barclays bank Ghana.

A welcome address by the CEO of LEC foundation, Mr. Albert Kusi saw him telling us the participants, the essence of what they were putting up. In his experience in the job market, he revealed the weak points that job seekers have. There are jobs but there are no people to meet them. This tells us that we need to have some qualities in other to qualify for certain jobs. But we have limited our scope, by not using the time we have to gain experiences in other to make ourselves fit for some jobs. We must be able to prove beyond all doubts that we have all it takes to do that you want to do. In gaining experience, we need to make use of our vacations by engaging ourselves into some jobs no matter hoe menial it is. We can become sales executive for some companies and other examples, through that we can be able to conquer the job market.. One of the precious qualities we need to endow ourselves with is having the ability to provide solutions to companies and that can be made possible when we start solving our own problems. As young people we need to start something, where he entreated us to help start something and not only to be looking for employment, if we want we banks we can start our own and within a very short time, we can also become employers. Before we can do that we need to fight some battles in life. Every entrepreneur will fight what he calls as the Five Battle.

1. SALE BATTLE. In your quest to become successful in your business, you definitely going to fight the battle of having problem to sell your product and services. Conquering this can make you building up your own World Class Company, remember Everyone is a CEO,

2. FAMILY BATTLE, in your quest to become your own CEO, another battle to fight is from family, from Parents, to Sisters, cousins etc. You have to fight it.

3. SOCIETAL BATTLE, in the society, people would want to shut your business. In the society, if nobody is ready to support your idea then it is a nightmare.

4. FINANCIAL BATTLE, we need search well enough was one of his quote when speaking about this battle. So we need to fight it because without finance, your business can’t hold.

5. SPIRITUAL BATTLE, be ready that sources of darkness would work against you; it is what is beyond our physical control. Fighting this source would make you successful in life. Remember all things work together for good for they that are in Christ Jesus.

In applying for a job we need to make our CVs Unique. You can’t use one CV with same description to apply for jobs everywhere. We need to adapt to changes. Also in applying for job, it is not your degree that matters, but your skills. We need to be careful not to associate ourselves with criminal records. Our appearance in the job market also matters a lot, if you are someone who does not wear lipsticks and other things for instance we see in the corporate industry then one must not try to venture into it, because your success in that industry. If you want to work in the banking industry, then you must also have the attitude of sitting down on a seat for about 8 hours and over, and if you can’t your success there can’t be assured too. We must also take very good care of our health, so many people who were denied job opportunities, just had some medical reports that devoid them from certain jobs.

Hope you are learning something here.

To be continued: watch out for the real gist from Dr. Geneva of Barclays Bank, Mr. Asante from Newmont Ghana, Mr. Essel from Graphics, Ms. Enam from GEBSS, Mr. Obafemi from Tigo and Mr. Avle from Citi Fm from the Graduate Corporate Connect but I can assure you that they are reaching all regions in the country so coonect with them on facebook for more updates. Watch out for part two.

Thank you.

Akpah Prince

[email protected]