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Opinions of Monday, 13 February 2023

Columnist: Abdul-Razak Lukman

A Ghanaian Pharaoh who can do no wrong

President Akufo-Addo and Ken Ofori-Atta President Akufo-Addo and Ken Ofori-Atta

Truly, without some economic development and good governance system, democracy is like running a marathon with one leg. You will never get there and even if you do, your whole body will be broken beyond repair. The public space is manned with "intellectual state polarisers". That is why it seems that we are in a perpetual mirror-verse where nothing changes – a self pernicious trend to the acme.

Even at a crossroads, Ghana, a country blessed with all the natural resources that you can ever think of, led by governments that tend to be spendthrift and democratically-authoritarian by actions, and theoretically constitutional by design, tend to subject her citizens into all forms of slavery. The current government has caused the collapse of businesses and is still on speed to cut short the lives of her revered retirees through a wicked debt exchange program.

The president seems not to be on the steering wheel but has joyfully 'delegated' that to the Finance Minister – a cousin to the president. A government formed in the true sense of democracy but dynasty takes precedence in practice. That is why, to a large extent, Ken Ofori-Atta does things capriciously with its resultant economic ineptness. The President has assumed the position of a Pharaoh who can do no wrong. What Ghanaians encounter on a day-to-day basis are terrible institutions and the inefficiency resulting from multiple support by party zealots and appointees whose loyalty is to party before country – what a sad time as a Ghanaian!

At the moment, the government of President Akufo-Addo has to fake and continue to lie to the people everyday with zero apologies. The people who gave him the knode have been disrespected in real-time. The very person (Finance Minister) who told Ghanaians that the economic fundamentals of the country is good and that we won't go to the IMF is still leading negotiations to break a deal. What misery! However, the country is just working under some illusions.

It is obvious that we are witnessing a government which can best be described as a "Finance Ministerial Government" with 'powers' to disregard whatever advice from the Attorney General and Minister for Justice. In this government, merits and achievements are not the operative words. Who you know is. Nepotism is a must, a value, not an evil.

Once elected as president, you are there to serve the country, not your party. State resources aren’t your private bank, they are state resources intended for the people of your country. Stop reducing the national purse as your piggy-bank that you can break open at whim. We did not put you in power in order for you to collapse the Ghanaian economy in favour of your interests.

— Abdul-Razak Lukman
[email protected]