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Opinions of Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Columnist: Francis Offin

A Heart of Gold: Late Justice Samuel Marful-Sau, JSC

The late Supreme Court judge, Justice Samuel Kofi Marful-Sau The late Supreme Court judge, Justice Samuel Kofi Marful-Sau

Justice Marful-Sau (as he then was) exuded simplicity, wisdom, and grace mingled with tenderness, compassion, and firmness of values.

His lecturing time (for me) was like a convocation of heaven on earth. I longed for it, desired it, and was thrilled always at his appearance. The late Justice actually, and eventually demystified Civil Procedure for me.

He made me love this course that was erstwhile cladded with the darkness of difficulty for me. He was light to me, in this sense. He explained hard sentences and watered them down to the basics of comfortable assimilation.

My comprehension became sound, in a nutshell. His words became my cogitations to navigate me with deep convictions at the Ghana School of Law. I doff my hat to God for you, late Justice Marful-Sau.

What is more, in him, I sensed that God's Spirit indeed indwelled: he always and almost testified that he was fulfilling his assignment in Christ anytime praise was showered on him. This actually controlled the manner in which he saw people.

He was a Justice of the Supreme Court of Ghana but peremptorily controlled by his faith in Christ. He was not shy of it neither did he mince words in matters of his faith. I felt this always to the extent of mentioning the Full Gospel fellowship.

One day, our paths peacefully collided whilst an entourage accompanied him. I, without hesitation, and with great joy mentioned his noble name fondly and he quickly halted for me to capture his presence. He looked busy, and I obviously looked happy yet, he smiled at me and stretched his right hand to me for a handshake.

That meant a lot to my innate being as the message communicated was unambiguous: he did not think more highly of himself than he ought to think. He thought of himself with sober judgment.

Immediately, I expressed my extreme gratitude as his former student and made it clear to him that I appreciate him and love him for who he was and has been. He, with meekness, retorted, "It is by God's grace."

Oh, what a precious soul. Oh, such an amazing personality with the heaven dose of humility that crystalized him as a judge. It is not any wonder that he himself once opined and concluded the matter that, _" As a Judge, I have evidence that God is real."_

Fare thee well, Justice Marful-Sau, JSC????