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Opinions of Thursday, 31 December 2009

Columnist: The Royal Enoch

A New Year's Resolution

Choose one if it's your favorite number
Two if it helps you remember
Three could never be that much
Four if that's what you want
Five means there is more in store though
Six means abundance
So have abundance of everything this new year

Pick a road to travel on
The road of knowledge would take you West
The road of wisdom would take you East
The Northern road is paved with snow from the icy moon
The Southern road is kissed by the burning Sun
Whatever the road of your choice
May it lead you safely home this new year

Love somebody but always truly
Pick a color but not blue
Forgive but always fully
Live life without regret
And please don't you forget
To dress in style this new year

Have a dream
A dream multiplied by one
Or a dream shared by none
A dream which has been
Or a dream which has yet to begin
Dare to dream this new year
And whatever dreams may
May all your new year's dream come true

*Happy New Year to all my Ghanaian brothers and sisters around the world.