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Opinions of Monday, 3 August 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

A Plea with Mr Alan Cash Kwadwo Kyeremateng to Intervene….

In Psalm 133:1 (KJV), it is written, "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" and Mark 3: 25 says, "And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand". Subsequently, I have personally decided to entreat Mr Alan Kwadwo Kyeremateng to not only do the NPP family, but also, the entire Ghanaian populace, especially the suffering masses, a big favour.

Mr Kyeremateng, be it known to you today that you have wherewithal to bring about lasting unity in the NPP if you so desire to. It is a fact that no trustworthy person in Ghana can deny that there is currently a gaping disunity in the NPP. There seems to be two camps or factions in the NPP – Nana Akufo Addo's camp and Alan Kwadwo Kyeremateng's camp.

The existence of these two factions within the same family group of NPP is the cause of the friction that is tearing the party asunder with the likely defeat in election 2016 staring NPP and the suffering Ghanaian masses yearning for a change in government for the better, in the face. For how long are we going to sit on the fence, watching while the party is torn apart by our own selfish interests or short-sightedness?

One thing I know is Nana Akufo Addo has been genuinely and overwhelmingly elected to represent NPP as its flag bearer to contest election 2016 for the presidency of Ghana. Therefore, I shall only plead for unity in the party by requesting Mr Kwadwo Kyerematentg to rein in his followers most of whom can be said to be working against Nana Akufo Addo and the party's interests concluding from their actions and pronouncements made both in private and in public.

What is the point in working against the leader of the party to culminate in NPP losing election 2016 to aggravate the sufferings of the already impoverished Ghanaians? How would it benefit those individuals working on that agenda if it was not just the exhibition of pure evilness and the satisfaction of their insatiable greed?

Mr Kyeremateng, it is the presumption of many a discerning Ghanaian that almost all those assiduously working to divide the party to ensure its defeat in election 2016 are under your command. They listen to you. Therefore, it will only be appropriate for you to advise them to desist from their embarked upon evil mission?

What will it profit them if they acquire all the wealth in the world or attain their evil intention by sabotaging the party and her flagbearer to guarantee President Mahama the retention of power in 2016 to the detriment of all Ghanaians? Does the bible not say, "What will it profit a man if he gains all the wealth of the world but loses his life?"

Mr Kyeremateng, please follow up the recent step in the right direction taken by former President Kufuor to reconciling the various factions in the party to bring about lasting unity and peace in NPP and amongst its leaders.

There is no guarantee that if NPP loses election 2016 they will surely win election 2020 as falsely opined by some enthusiasts of the so-called "Agenda 2020".

It is my earnest prayer that Mr Kyeremateng will listen to my plea to act accordingly. The last thing any man of integrity would love to be associated with is being pointed at in a derogatory manner with people saying, he caused the defeat of the party because of his selfish interests to worsen the plight of the majority of Ghanaians.

Should Mr Kyeremateng fail to do as requested, but continues to sit nonchalantly with arms folded around his chest, twirling his fingers while NPP hurtles down that doomed path of losing 2016 elections, he will forever live with a guilty conscience unto death.

Ghanaians cannot cope any further with the visitation of the socio-economic hardships on them that although has overstayed its welcome, President Mahama and the NDC are still happily asking it to stay for many more years because of what they selfishly stand to gain. This can only happen by what Mr Kyeremateng does today. Will he rein in his supporters or not?

The ball is in his court!

Rockson Adofo