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Opinions of Thursday, 3 February 2011

Columnist: A Concerned Citizen

A Question Of Judgement: Akuffo-Addo’s Bottoms Gaffe.

To some it was a surprise to hear the presidential candidate of the NPP, Nana
Akuffo-Addo, publicly being profane. There are however others who were not surprised
at all.

Whichever the case maybe, the good people of Ghana must now look for answers to
questions such as the following;

How on earth can any decent person, let alone a presidential hopeful, joke with the
big bottoms of a deceased woman?

How sensitive is Mr Akuffo-Addo, given that no child wants his/her mothers bottom as
a centre of a joke, dead or alive?

What sort of respect does Mr Akuffo-Addo give to his own wife, learning in public
that her husband is not only an admirer of another woman’s bottom, but secretly
shared it with that lady?

The secret of why the nickname ‘BOTTOMS’ is not far fetched: we all know he cannot
tell the world the obvious-…and what is the obvious? An affair?

It looks like their attempt to explain this gaffe has only opened a can of worms.
Unfortunately until his secret woman passes away, we will never know. So those women
who have had affairs with this man be ware not to die before him, else your secret
will be out.
This is a man who has already misjudged the Ivorian Crisis by vehemently advocating
for the commitment of Ghanaian soldiers to choose another nation’s leader, damned
the grave consequences.

Even a child can easily deduce from above that, there is something seriously amiss

If the NPP has chosen such a man and strenuously defending and supporting him, what
can we say about the judgement of the whole party? Lest we forgot former president
Kuffour’s unanswered questions about his ‘cleansing’ the castle with women.

It looks like the choice of this man as NPP’s presidential hopeful, has made the
road to 2012 election victory, a comfortable lane for NDC: bad for democracy.
The NPP has to prove they have some decent men left amongst