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Opinions of Friday, 6 December 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

A Simple Advice to Ghanaian Importers

Until when are Ghanaian importers going to realise that they cannot have their cake and eat it? Their too many cries and complaining will never solve the needless hectic and exhausting experiences they go through at our country’s harbours under the hands of the allegedly corrupt custom officials.

As it sometimes takes a quantity of bitter dose of medication to cure or treat a serious disease, so does it take a decisively bold action to solve a cancerous problem. Without positive action, nothing ever gets done, or gets done better.

The importers are overcharged for their imports of whatever sorts, especially, cars. Much of the charge finds their way into the private pockets of the corrupt nation-wrecking custom officials. The successive governments have been made aware of this situation. However, they seem not to care or not to have bold solutions to addressing the ongoing near-inherent custom problem.

The importers whether as individuals or as a group of persons, can only get the government to seriously look into the problem if and only if, they can do as following.

I suggest they all come into an agreement to STOP importing anything into the country for a period of just three months. Once the government is unable to raise any revenues from the ports, the major source of income to the country for just three months, she will sit up and then address the corruption at the ports which leads to overcharging Ghanaian importers with all the attention it requires.

As long as you continue to import into the country, regardless of the daily and continuous hassles you encounter, with the government still receiving her targeted revenue from the ports, she will never ever give a hoot about your complained sufferance. Some importers may feel they will not be able to fulfil their obligations to their customers or bankers should they do as suggested. As almost all problems and solutions can be found in the bible, so does the answer to their likely worries be found in the stated adage, “you cannot have your cake and eat (too)” which means, “You cannot enjoy two desirable things at the same time”.

I know the problems entailed should they listen to my advice. Nonetheless, the problems will be discussed in my subsequent publications. Take a step in the right direction as proposed for a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step.

I shall also reveal why you are charged such heavy duty payments and how the custom officers arrange for refunds on such payments without your slightest knowledge. That was what used to pertain many years back as revealed by someone who used to work there. I do not know if it does operate today but it is worth revealing and discussing.

Revelation 3:6 says, “Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches”. Similarly, I admonish Ghanaian importers to listen to what I am saying.

I dedicate this write-up to Ghanaian importers and an aspiring London-based Ghanaian Law student, Sir Gadus.

Rockson Adofo