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Opinions of Friday, 3 April 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

A Single Powerful Woman Holds Kumawuman Citizens to Ransom

If someone had told me many decades, or half a century, ago, that there was coming a day in the history of Kumawu when a woman would rise up to hold the entire locality to ransom, I would not have believed them. However, it is happening now. It is so conspicuous that even the physically challenged persons e.g. blind people, can feel it, if they cannot see it. The perfectly sighted persons see it with their naked eyes "fiili fiili, yaagani yaagani".

This purported powerful woman is in the person of one Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah, the current Kumawuhemaa. She has not only been disrespecting any Kumawuman citizen that she comes into contact with, but also, she intimidates them. She treats them worse than she would treat the dust on her shoes, sandals or footwear to be more precise.

Unknown to each other, she tried to do it to me in about year 2005 over the phone, but I cut her down to size. One day, I shall disclose to the public this telephone altercation I had with her. Why on earth would I allow a fellow "burger" to mistreat me with impunity, knowing I was in the right? I did not hesitate to bring her down from her high horse, landing her squarely on the floor in her place with a deafening thud.

This is the woman who has been stubbornly, pompously sitting on Kumawuman; similarly as a hen sits on her eggs, but unfortunately, not in the same manner as the hen protects the eggs or its brood. She is destructive. She has been trumpeting over the hills and in the valleys of Kumawuman, and among her colleagues abroad that the entire wealth emanating from the Kumawu stool lands and properties is solely hers, and her children's.

This is the woman who has over the years been colluding with some Asanteman chiefs to rewrite the rich history of Kumawu to suit her ego. This is the woman who is alleged to have caused the disappearance of precious war booty ("abamoo") of traditional, although superstitious, potency to cause fertility in infertile women. This "abamoo" was acquired during the Ataale Finam war over three centuries ago. Many a Kumawuman citizen believes she has sold it to raise some quick buck. She once promised to return it, but since 2005, she hasn't.

Would she be allowed to toy with Kumawuman as she is doing if the founders of the once famous "Yate asem" group were still alive? No, they would have shown her where people's power lies long ago.

This woman has been manipulating some well-placed people in Ghana to serve her selfish avarice. She had been to see the late President Atta Mills who but chased her out of his office. She has consulted The Chief Justice Mrs Theodora Georgina Woods, President Mahama, and Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, all about her quest for imposing his puppet Dr Yaw Sarfo on Kumawuman as their Omanhene. She knows with Dr Yaw Sarfo in place as Kumawuhene, she can do whatever she desires.

Was she not the one who a few months ago slapped Dr Yaw Sarfo over a minor disagreement after his dubious enstoolment as Kumawuhene? Had he also not mustered courage to slap her back in what could well be described as a tit for tat?

What are Kumawuman citizens doing? For how long will you allow this woman, although a despot in some regard, to terrorise you? Have men turned into women in once a notable warrior enclave in the Asante Kingdom? Kumawuman people are renowned for their bravery. But what is happening now, allowing a single woman to cow them, using her wealth and probably "Fa wo to begye..." influences in certain circles in Ghana?

Yes, indeed, "God made man. Man made woman. Woman made a Devil. And the Devil made fire. Fire, fire, fire down below. Fire, fire, fire, fire, fire down below". There is fire in Kumawu; brought about by a devil. The masses are suffering yet; this insatiably greedy woman does not give a hoot.

Do you remember the lyrics of the song we used to sing when at primary school in President Kwame Nkrumah's era – "God made man.......?"

I know that all Kumawuman people are not happy about the current situation in Kumawuman in regard of the chieftaincy dispute. Subsequently, they have in their 95% majority or more rallied behind Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V, from the Ananangya royal family as their most recognised paramount chief ("Omanhene"). They have all disowned one Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah (Dr Yaw Sarfo) who was illegally imposed on them by Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, acting in collusion with Kumawuhemaa and the Asanteman Council.

They have vowed never again to sit on the fence while she plays with their collective interests, colluding with Asanteman Council and Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to maliciously exploit the wealth of Kumawuman.

I know that people are openly coming out in their numbers to show their allegiance to Kumawuhene Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V, a member of the Ananangya royal family. Members of this family are of matrilineal lineage to Barimah Tweneboah Koduah I, the originator of the Kumawu Koduah Stool.

I hope that Kumawuhemaa Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah had not feigned her recently rumoured death. Whatever the motive of the originator of the rumour was, it came out that she was not dead. Additionally, it manifested in majority of the people being happier if the devil had really kicked the bucket. Even though everybody will die one day, making it morally unjustified and unpleasant to gloat over someone's death, they still did not care about how joyful they would be if she had truly made the journey to the land of the departed souls.

We should not allow one person, a woman so to speak, to hold the entire Kumawuman people to ransom.

The fight to liberate Kumawuman from the hands of a devil and her supportive rogues continues unabated. Over to you, the newly formed "Overseas Concerned Citizens of Kumawuman".

I am still waiting for Mr Akwasi Adu a.k.a. "Last Day" from Alexandria in the USA, but a native of Kumawu, and an alumnus of Kumawu Tweneboah Koduah Secondary School, to spring into action. Kwasi, God wants you to join this particular crusade to liberate Kumawuman from the traditional mismanagement, corruption and despotism by your aunt, Kumawuhemaa Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah. Would you listen to the voice of God, respond to His calling, or you will side with your aunt in spite of all her chronicled evil doings?

I dedicate this publication to one alias Kofi Supper, Kumawu-Zongo boy now resident in Germany/Belgium for his keen interest in the Kumawu Stool case.

I wish all Kumawuman citizens worldwide a Happy Easter.

Rockson Adofo