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Opinions of Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Columnist: Bishop Dag Heward Mills

A leader is a master at overcoming handicaps

Bishop Dag Heward Mills Bishop Dag Heward Mills

The Art of Leadership By Dag Heward-Mills

… be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Matthew 10: 16

Snakes are called wise because they overcome their many handicaps. Snakes are the most severely handicapped animals on earth because they do not have limbs. Snakes have poor eyesight, and so they have heat censors that can pick up vibrations. Snakes have no moveable eyelids. Snakes also have no external ear openings.

In spite of these handicaps, snakes have become the most successful predators on earth. They live and flourish where no other wild animal can live. They are deaf and yet they are able to sense things. Snakes can pick up vibrations from the ground. They have worked around their handicap of not having legs and are able to go anywhere. They can climb trees, swim, they can even fly. Snakes can move equally well on the ground, under the ground, in thick undergrowth, on trees and in water. What a wonderful success story this is! In spite of not having legs, arms or ears, snakes have been able to do what other wild animals cannot do.

When a leader has the wisdom of a serpent, he is will be able to master all his handicaps and turn them around for his good. What is a handicap?

A handicap is something that severely limits you!

A handicap is something that makes you different from others in a negative and limiting way!

A handicap is a disadvantage that makes success more difficult for you!

A handicap is a physical or social disability that makes your work more difficult for you!

Most ministers of the gospel are handicapped in one-way or the other. Remember that a handicap is a limitation that makes it more difficult to be successful. Most ministers of the gospel are limited in one area or another. For example, every minister of the gospel is limited by his colour, his continent, his money and his lack of resources. These handicaps or limitations present themselves to everyone. Your duty as a leader is to be as wise as a serpent and overcome your handicaps.

A leader must actually use his limitations to his advantage. To be as wise as a serpent is to refuse to succumb to the handicap you face. The wisdom of the serpent is to turn your handicap into your advantage. Serpents use the fact that they do not have legs to hide effectively. That is why a snake can live near you and you will never know. Serpents have developed special techniques for legless movement. The feared black cobra can move as fast as a hundred-metre sprinter. Imagine that! The handicap of the serpent has been turned into its greatest advantage.

Principles for Overcoming Handicaps

Overcome handicaps by receiving supernatural strength for your particular handicap. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And he said unto me, MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT for thee: for MY STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT IN WEAKNESS. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

2 Corinthians 12:8-10

There is always sufficient grace for every problem. Every problem has a solution. Every engineering problem has an engineering solution. Every problem has special grace provided for it.

Overcome your handicap by embracing your God-given weaknesses. This was the secret of Apostle Paul. Therefore I TAKE PLEASURE IN INFIRMITIES, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

2 Corinthians 12:10

You must overcome your handicaps by learning to take pleasure in your weaknesses. Take note of the awkward benefits of your handicaps. Snakes can hide anywhere and move through tiny spaces. Animals with legs cannot do these things.

If you are an antelope, there is no point in trying to develop the strength of your arms and legs to fight lions. You will never have enough strength to fight a lion. If you are an antelope, there is no point in developing your teeth to be as sharp as a lion’s or a crocodile’s. Your weakness as an antelope is your lack of strength. But you have something else that can work for you. And that is speed and agility! Antelopes have developed their speed and agility so much that they are hardly caught by lions. The population of antelopes has increased whilst the population of lions has decreased to critically low levels. Accepting your weakness delivers you from wasting your energy to develop strengths you will never have.

If you are wise as a serpent, you will not sit and moan about your lack of resources or any other handicap you have and you will not allow your problems and limitations to drown your calling. You will rise up with the wisdom of a serpent and use the very handicap to your advantage!