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Opinions of Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Columnist: Frank Kuanyawo

A letter to the president

President Akufo-Addo President Akufo-Addo

Proverbs 16:7 says, ‘when a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.’ No wonder you and former President Rawlings can sit and talk one on one. It is the Lord’s doing and mortal man cannot comprehend it.

They say he is in bed with you. And so what? When he criticized former president Kuffuor in public, they jubilated and clapped for him. When he criticized his own too for a similar reason, they called him names.

Now God says, go with this man because I chose him so you can correct him in private. It is to unify Ghana and to tell the world that Ghana a civilized nation and politics cannot divide us.

Many chiefs, right-thinking people and men of God are all also with you. That is enough evidence that God is on your side.

You found favour with God based on the content of your acceptance speech on 28th August 2013. That judgement delivered by Justice Atuguba really humbled you. If you had won the 2012 election, you would have destroyed yourself, your party and Ghana because you still were not patient and ready then.

In His time, He makes all things beautiful for you. Despite all the resources available to your opponent, you defeated him because the Lord was and always is on your side. Do not forget; the battle is still for the Lord. God does not only judge us by what we say or do but our motives matter to Him most. Let what you are always telling Ghanaians be same as what you are thinking.

The Psalmist says, in Psalms 19:14 that, ‘let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.’

The next task ahead of you is to use your office with the help of the Catholic Bishop of the greater Accra Diocese, Metropolitan Archbishop John Bonaventure Kwofie to reconcile the two former presidents, Rawlings and Kuffuor together for greater national unity. They are both Catholics. I feel the two are not very free with each other.

When you said, ‘all die be die’, hell broke loose in Ghana. Your opponents interpreted it in their own understanding. What we do not know is that whatever we believe in will always be tested. You proved to the world on that faithful day 28th August 2013 that no human life can be lost because you wanted power.

So much lies were said about you. They used young guys who are small enough to be your grandchildren on national television to tell you that, ‘you cannot be a president in Ghana. You are under a curse. We are going to retire to the old man.’ They used words to demonize you but God says He would use the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. What did we see? The old man ended up retiring the young ones.

Out of frustration and desperation, they are staging a comeback because they always think Ghanaians are gullible people and have short memories. What they do not know is that Ghanaians have now seen the difference. Ghanaians have not seen the only infrastructure, but they have also seen good policy interventions for all. Above all, Ghanaians have seen employment.

There is a difference between a GOOD man and a NICE man. There is also a difference between ‘doing the right thing’ and ‘doing things right.’ You are a good man indeed. A good man does the right thing because he does not do things to please people. A nice man does things right because he wants to please people. A nice man is a wolf in sheep clothing. Mr. President, bear in mind that you are not competing with anyone and there is no alternative to your government come December 7th.

You have no campaign to spend our money on. You are only waiting for renewal. Period.

What does GHANA stand for in your season of victory? G – God; H – Has; A – Appointed; N – Nana; A – Addo (God Has Appointed Nana Addo). Be courageous and never be afraid. God has chosen you for the two terms.

The 8 years which is the two terms are for you and you have 4 more years to do more. Your opponents would roar but like a lion. Sometimes their numbers will increase but remember God does not work with numbers. Remember, Mr. President, that ‘Silence Is Golden.? Many negative strategies would be adopted to get you to reply but ignore them all.

They opposed the free SHS. They say things to discourage the students. Unfortunately, too, COVID-19 has also played its negative role.

The opponents are now fasting and praying for mass failure in the examinations so they can use that as a weapon to destroy the good work you are doing. During all these, just be still and know that the Lord is still with you. Nothing good comes easy. I thank the good Lord that you did not ask the children of the NPP supporters to attend a different school system.

The free SHS is for all. The free education exposes the rot in the Ghana Education Service. Apart from the double-track which was meant to make sure nobody is left at home; all other problems are already there. I remember also that the former president Kuffuor made the SHS 4 years and the opposition reduced it to 3 years.

The problem Ghana faces is corruption. Corruption is destroying the country and we from the poverty-stricken homes are the victims. Since 1993, governments did nothing about it. You also promised but you still do not do anything about it.

I know you are not criminally minded, but your appointees are. Please do something about the corruption. It is our greatest enemy. I am also pleading with you to make sure the constitution is rewritten. Let the constitution takes care of the all-inclusive government. The winner takes all is not helping.

We need to take time to build our institutions so the institutions can work. Once the institutions are working, the wastes would also be reduced. Dr. Spio Garbah, Dr. Abu Sakara and many others in opposition cannot sit idle when NPP is in power.

That is not the way to build a nation. Let us stop the rat race type of governance. Ghana has so much more than it needed to build it. We have the men and we have the natural resources too. We should Ghana where we would all believe and understand that we can all not be equal but we can all be happy together.

I am grateful to God for giving you a young man who is honest, focused, passionate, confident, respectful, committed, purposeful and excellent Vice President, Alhaji Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia. His opponents or distractors call him a LIER because they are not accustomed to his success, so they become fearful, they become scared because he is reflecting to them something they don’t recognize.

When you are excellent, you become unforgettable; people remember you, and you stand out. He and his economic team are also doing well. Had it not been for the change of government, the exchange rate would have been $1 to GH¢10 by now.

My final appeal to you, Mr. President is that teachers’ welfare should be looked at again. Their salary is nothing. The teachers are second parents to every nation.

Sir, you know what happens to a child if he or she does not treat their parents well. Think of these: A teacher was posted to Tema Secondary School. A single room self-contained is GH¢400 a month. He is asked to pay a two-year rent advanced of GH¢9,600. He is fresh from university, never worked before and has no bank account.

This is an employee who is going to impact knowledge.

Finally, I say to you again that, Silence Is Golden.

You will live longer in good health and see all debts paid.

4 More For Nana Addo to do more.